Staff News


English and Literature

Ms Nicole Della will be leaving St George’s Anglican Grammar School to commence a full-time teaching position at Guildford Grammar School from the beginning of Week 8. We have excitedly secured the appointment of a highly experienced and accomplished teacher to join us from the start of Term Three.

Mrs Kathie Donovan joins us from Applecross Senior High School where she has been teaching English and English Literature to Year 7 to 12 for almost 10 years. Mrs Donovan has been fully involved in a range of co-curricular activities including the Write a Book in a Day Project in which her students were the national winners in 2021; the Tim Winton Young Writer’s Competition and WADL Debating. A judge for The West Australian Young Writers Competition and the Connor Parnell Short Story Competition, Mrs Donovan has been a WACE marker for ATAR English Literature and is well known as a wonderful teacher of English.


In the interim, Ms Della’s English classes will be covered by our current team of English Department staff to conclude the term. Mrs Erin Davy will take the Year 12s; Mr Damien Kerrigan the Year 11s; Mr Damien Kerrigan and Mrs Kelly Newbold the Year 10s and the Year 8 classes will be shared between Mrs Kelly Newbold and Mrs Wilma Ong.


We are thrilled to have been able to appoint such an outstanding new teacher to our English Department Team and have every confidence that our students will love Mrs Donovan’s classes as she begins teaching with us full time from the start of Term Three.


Meanwhile, Mr Ian Thompson has needed to fly back to the UK for family reasons and will therefore be on leave until Term Two, Week Eight. For all urgent pastoral care matters please reach out to your child’s Head of Year in the first instance or alternatively address your concerns to the Principal, Mrs Tina Campbell.


As a reminder our respective Heads of Year are as follows:-

·         Head of Year 7 & 8 – Ms Taryn Sephton

·         Head of Year 9 & 10 – Mr Conrad Sloan

·         Head of Year 11 & 12 – Mr Tim Hayward