Let's Talk Careers

Mrs Sharan Tagore

Exploring Careers Together 

As your child navigates their high school journey, it's essential to support them in making informed decisions about their future. With a myriad of career pathways available, understanding their strengths, interests, and abilities is crucial in shaping their career aspirations. Open and honest conversations at home are the first step in this journey. 


Last week our Year 10 students attended the Perth Careers Expo, where they engaged with representatives from various industries, universities, and TAFEs. This exposure provided them with valuable insights into the diverse career options and educational pathways available. Meanwhile, our Year 11 APEx students visited the Police Academy, gaining firsthand knowledge about the different routes to joining the police force. These experiences are invaluable in broadening their perspectives and helping them consider what might be the best fit for their future. 


Encourage your child to reflect on these experiences. What sessions did they find most engaging? Discussing these questions can help identify their passions and strengths. For instance, a student who enjoyed speaking with university representatives might thrive in an academic environment, while another captivated by hands-on demonstrations at TAFEs might prefer a vocational path. 

It’s also important to consider their abilities. Are they more inclined towards practical skills or theoretical knowledge? This can guide whether they might pursue an apprenticeship, TAFE course, or a university degree. Additionally, discussing potential career goals and aspirations can help identify the necessary steps and qualifications required, whether it be further education, training, or direct entry into the workforce. 


Remember, the goal is not to make a definitive decision now but to explore and understand the options available and what skills are needed to be successful. Encourage your child to seek out additional information, ask questions, and remain open to new possibilities. It’s also important that they are realistic about what they want to achieve. For example, an aspiring fighter pilot needs to be good at mathematics and not have a fear of heights! 


Together, through open dialogue and supportive guidance, we can help your child carve out a fulfilling and successful career path.  If your child is thinking about university, this is a great resource to help you talk about the right pathway for them: CLICK HERE

Mrs Sharan Tagore

APEx, Careers and Curriculum Coordinator