
Mr Damien Kerrigan

The Short Story Machine

My Year 10 class paid a visit to Raine Square’s Short Story Station where they were free to choose two, three or five-minute long stories. 

Our students will use these stories to practice some of the Close Reading skills that we have recently covered in our exploration of Phillip Pullman’s novel, Northern Lights.

The Short Story Machine is free to the public so if you find yourself in the city with 20 minutes to spare, we encourage you to give the machine a try. We can’t promise that you’ll love the story that you get, but it is unlikely you will be bored by it.


Debating Update

Several positives can be taken from the impromptu round in this year’s WA Debating League.

While both our Novice and our Junior teams lost to Shenton College, they gave it their all and certainly gained a lot from the experience.

Diya Makwana was impressive in her first argument for St George's, bringing a good deal of performance to the delivery of her argument. Our Junior Team impressed me by all turning up to the debate regardless of how few of them were permitted to prepare or deliver. This showed wonderful team spirit.


This was the first time that our Novices had prepared an argument without prior opportunity. Defining a motion and preparing an argument in 60 minutes is quite the challenge when you are entirely new to debating. An hour can pass by extraordinarily quickly under those conditions. I felt that our Novices gave their all to this and that they certainly gained a lot from the experience.


We may not have won, but we were never entirely defeated. Well done St George's.

Mr Damien Kerrigan

Head of Language