Principal's Report

Dear HPS Community,


I think everyone is agreeing that the King's Birthday Public Holiday on Monday is very well placed, giving families an opportunity to have the extra day break to relax and reset. With all the busyness of life and the typical illnesses that present at this time of year, a long weekend is "just what the doctor ordered". I hope you all get to utilise the time as best needed whether that is chilling at home, getting jobs ticked off the list that have been lingering for a while, spending much needed time with friends and family or getting away on an adventure and doing some exploring! 


Bathroom misuse

Unfortunately, we have recently seen an increase in the misuse of school toilets around our school during the day. There has been purposeful wastage of toilet paper and hand soap, deliberate blocking of toilets and sinks with paper and paper rolls as well as graffiti and damage to the facilities. This is obviously disappointing behaviour and does not demonstrate our school values of respect or responsibility.


Whilst discussions are occurring in classrooms, can I also ask parents and carers to please follow up at home with their child/ren and remind them that the toilets are not a place to play and need to be used appropriately. If everyone are able to use the facilities respectfully and as intended, it will contribute to a much more pleasant environment. Thank you for your support.


Student Semester Reports 

Teachers are currently preparing Semester One Student Reports that will be made available for families to access on Compass, Wednesday, 26th June.


Family holidays

We are experiencing a number of families choosing to take their children out of school for extended periods of time to go on family holidays. Where possible, families are encouraged to arrange family holidays outside of school times.

Parents/ Guardians are asked to put a request in writing to the principal, well in advance of the scheduled family holiday, outlining the proposed dates the student would be missing school.

For further information regarding our Attendance Policy please refer to it here:

Parents & carers are asked to ensure attendance on Compass is updated to reflect student absences.


2025 Foundation Enrolments

Do you know someone who has a child starting school in Foundation next year? 

We are now accepting enrolments for Foundation students for 2025.


What you need to do next:

  1. Download the 'Foundation (Prep) Enrolment Information Pack for Parents and Carers.' The pack will be available from Monday 15 April 2024 and will include an application form.
  2. Submit an enrolment application for Foundation (Prep) by Friday 26 July 2024.
  3. You will be notified of the outcome of your application by Friday 9 August 2024. If you receive an offer of placement, you should contact the school to accept the offer by Friday 23 August 2024.
  4. Take part in enrolment information and transition sessions during Term 4, 2024.
  5. Your child will start Foundation (Prep) from Thursday 30 January 2025.

Enrolment applications submitted after 26 July 2024 will be processed by our school as they are received, in accordance with the department's Placement Policy.


Upcoming Dates

Monday 3rd June

Assembly - 9:10am

Friday 7th June

Interschool Sport - Rosanna PS (Away)

Monday 10th June

Kings Birthday Public Holiday (Student Free Day)

Friday 14th June

Interschool Sport - Rosanna Golf Links (Home)

Friday 28th June

End of Term 2 - 2.30pm finish

Monday 15th July

Term 3 begins

Monday 26th August

Pupil Free Day - no students

Monday 4th November

Pupil Free Day - no students

Tuesday 5th November

Melbourne Cup Public Holiday(Student Free Day)

Wishing you all a wonderful LONG weekend and a great week ahead!


Naomi Ivers


Heidelberg Primary School