Primary School

Newsletter Term 4 Week 9
It is with a great sense of pride that I start the final newsletter for the 2024 school year. What a couple of busy weeks we have had. The students have been fortunate to be involved in lots of engaging events, activities and programs. These opportunities for our students would not be possible without the dedication and hard work from our Primary staff. Organising these events requires a lot of planning, preparation and effort and we thank the staff for always having the best interest of our students at heart. A big thanks must also go to the Primary Office staff in supporting the lead up to these events.
It was great to welcome both current and new students at our Orientation Day on Tuesday 3 December. With great excitement, students all stepped up into their 2025 class with their peers and classroom teacher. This day is an integral part of the preparation for the 2025 academic year and staff planned for an enjoyable and informative day with lots of ‘getting to know you’ activities.
Stage 3 Assembly
The Stage 3 Assembly last week was hosted by Sophie Wheatley, Vihara Konara, and Evan Aylmer. Students celebrated the achievements of those who participated in the APSMO Maths Olympiad Competition. Oliver Knight, Oliver Bowles, Hugh Thomson, Ted Palmer, Vivaan Shenai, Ryan Strahan, Lulu Morton and Sophie Millar were recognised for their dedication and problem-solving skills. Well done to all involved!
Tighe Teasdale, Ted Palmer, Luella Williams and Sophie Millar shared a lively recount of their recent cricket tournament, while Mrs Jennings provided an update on the Year 5 leadership process. All students who went through the leadership process were congratulated on their participation and received a certificate.
Student spotlights featured Lily Wildes, who shared her passion for baking and cooking. She spoke about her inspirations, her creative culinary journey, and her exciting plan to apply for Junior MasterChef. Edward Melville shared an exciting experience with the Stage, trying out for the Bendigo Soccer Representative team. He was joined in this opportunity by fellow MAGs students, Ryan Maxwell, Jordan Lyfield, Evie Andersen and Evie Frew. Oliver Knight proudly represented MAGs, showcasing his talent in a fun and entertaining experience at the ‘Showdown at the Soundshell’ in Girgarre.
Ms. Bush concluded the assembly with updates celebrating the success of the recent Rock Band concert, details about the upcoming Year 5 and 6 celebration excursions, a reflection on the final Peer Support activity for the term, and reminders to tidy up belongings before the end of the year.
Year 1/2 Celebration Day to Gunbower Estate
On Thursday 28 November, we got on the bus in the morning to begin our excursion. I was excited. I sat next to Jack B. When we got to Gunbower Estate, the first activity we did was bush art, it was hard. Next, we did games with Mr Moon, it was fun. Then we had recess. My recess was spectacular. After that, we did the petting zoo. It was my favourite activity, and I got to hold an adorable puppy. In my group there was Henry and Jethro. Then after the petting zoo, we did the homestead tour. The house was spooky! Then we went on the bus to the Cohuna Apex Park. On the bus I sat next to Henry. When we got off the bus, we had lunch, and it was scrumptious. Then we put on more sunscreen. Then we went to play. First, I went on the hamster wheel, and it was super fast! Then I went on the flying fox. After the park, Mr Moon handed out Zooper Doopers! Then we went on the bus back to school. My favourite part of the excursion was the petting zoo.
Written by Sebastian Rojo-Jang 1A
Year 3 Celebration Day
Year 3 students were lucky enough to go on an excursion to the Discovery Science Centre in Bendigo last Friday.
I was up on the vertical slide first. I thought it was going to be really easy, but it was really hard and steep. We had to get in these overalls, and I chickened out. After that, we got free time around the experiments, it was great. In free time, there was a mirror maze that I completed with my friend Stacey. Then we saw the planetarium, which took us on a flight around the solar system and it even zoomed in on Moama Anglican Grammar! It was great. Then we did an experiment with wind tunnels. We had lots of fun, and I loved it. Thank you to the Year 3 teachers, Mrs Day and Miss Railton for organising the excursion.
Written by Sadie Grant 3B
On the 29th of November all the Year 3s caught a bus to Bendigo. Everyone was super stoked to go to the Discovery Science Centre. We went on the vertical slide as well. We got to use wind tunnels and were set with challenges to make paper fly, hover or stick. I LOVED going there. I would give it a 5 out of 5.
Written by Stacey Attalh 3B
Year 4 Celebration Day
Year 3 and 4 students enjoyed a special day celebrating our Year 4 cohort and wishing them well as they prepare to begin Stage 3 in 2025. Following the celebration, students rotated through classrooms for a variety of fun activities. Highlights included decorating reindeer biscuits to create delicious treats, making Christmas-themed arts and crafts to take home, playing engaging board games, and relaxing with a funny Christmas movie paired with tasty snacks. It was a joyful day filled with laughter and celebrations!
Year 5 Celebration Day
On Friday 29 November, the Year 5 students attended their Celebration Day activity at the Moama Bowling Club. A bus full of excited Year 5 students, eagerly anticipating the experience, headed off at recess. Upon arrival, the students were treated to a session of barefoot bowls under the expert guidance of Moama Bowling Club employee Stewart Whyte. The session began with learning the basics of lawn bowls and students participating in a range of skill building activities, before progressing to friendly competitive challenges between teams. It was wonderful to see the students engaging fully and respectfully throughout the session, encouraging one another and cheering for their peers when they made a good bowl. After the session, students enjoyed platters of fresh sandwiches, fruit and bottles of cold water while discussing their experiences and recalling exciting moments. The students were disappointed to have to leave, all wanting to stay and continuing bowling all day. We thank Stewart for his excellent instruction and the Moama Bowling Club for providing such a fantastic experience for the students.
Year 6 Celebration Day
The Year 6 students spent the day together in Bendigo to celebrate the end of Primary School. The first stop was the Bendigo Art Gallery where they were treated to a guided tour of handpicked masterpieces, including Indigenous and contemporary works. Students had fun using air clay to create their own personalised artefacts. After lunch, the students travelled to Fun Zone where they battled it out together with a game of Laser Tag. Mrs Pascoe was on a mission and impressed everyone with her skills that took down even the best Year 6 Laser Taggers! A game of mini-golf finished off the Fun Zone experience before returning home.
Year 6 Graduation
On Thursday 5 December, our Year 6 students enjoyed their Graduation Dinner at the Rich River Golf Club. It was a wonderful evening where students and their families enjoyed a two course meal, followed by formal festivities. To top off the night, DJ Martin from Party Inc got everyone involved and boogying on the dancefloor. I would like to thank all the staff and parent volunteers who ensured the night was enjoyed by all. Congratulations to the Year 6 students for completing their Primary School journey. We are all proud of your achievements.
Student Achievements
Recently, William Eacott competed in and won the Southern Riverina District 9-hole competition at the Rich River Golf Club, shooting 7 under his handicap to win by 2 shots, out of 24 kids. This was only the second time that William joined a tournament so understandably, he is very proud of his medal. Congratulations William!
We would also like to congratulate Darcy and Quenelda Knowles-Mulholland for being selected to represent the Northern Zone at the Victorian State Dressage and Show Jumping Championships for 2024, to be held in early 2025. Quenelda is the youngest member of the team and Skye Starritt, one of our Year 6 students was also selected. Darcy and Skye are selected for dressage and Quenelda for show jumping. We wish all these students every success!
Eli Kingma has also had some exceptional success recently in tennis.
Eli has represented:
- MAGs in Sydney in the CIS Primary Tennis - placed 5th for NSW
-Loddon Campaspe Region in Alicia Molik Cup and regional events
Eli has been selected in:
-National Development Squad held at the National Tennis Centre
-Bendigo Academy of Sport and won the inter-academy challenge
-Played at the Rafa Nadal Tournament and placed 13th from 32 players
He played in multiple tournaments throughout Vic & NSW during the year, winning and placing runner up in both singles and doubles. He is now placed 11th in the Victorian Junior Tour and be invited to compete in the Victoria State Master from Saturday 14th to Tuesday 17th December. We wish him all the best for the State Master next weekend.
Yearbook Art Submissions
I would like to thank and congratulate everyone who submitted an art piece for the yearbook cover competition. Students submitted some of their original designs and teachers also submitted student art works which were completed at school throughout the year. I would like to congratulate Georgia Laurie in Year 5, Sophie Frazer in Year 4 and Vihara Konara in Year 6 for making it into the finals. Ultimately, Vihara’s piece was awarded first place and we look forward to seeing her artwork on the cover of our 2024 Yearbook.
Primary Christmas Concert
We would like to welcome all our Moama Anglican Grammar families to our upcoming Primary Christmas Concert (previously Carols on the Lawn). This concert provides a great opportunity for our families to connect with each other whilst enjoying performances from all our Primary students. More information is provided on the flyer below.
Presentation Assembly
The Primary Presentation Assembly has been scheduled for Wednesday 11 December, starting at 9:15am in the UCA in the Secondary School. Parents are invited to attend this important event and in addition, the assembly will be live streamed for parents to view. These formal assemblies are a great opportunity for our community to come together to celebrate students’ achievements.
Celebration Day
After the Presentation Assembly on Wednesday 11 December, students will be involved in the annual Celebration Day activities. Our Year 6 students are working together to develop a range of tabloid sports for all students to enjoy. On this last day of term, students may wear their sport uniform to both the Presentation Day Assembly and the Celebration Day activities.
Message from the Office
Before we start the holidays, I encourage all students to come and check out the items in our lost property cupboard. There are many jumpers, drink bottles and hats who are looking for their rightful owner.
Upcoming Events
09/12/24 Carols on the Lawn Christmas Concert
11/12/24 Primary Presentation Assembly
11/12/24 Celebration Day
11/12/24 Last day of Term 4
Kind Regards,
Nici Deller
Deputy Principal - Head of Primary