From the Business Manager

Staff update
Next week we say farewell to Freya Smith who has assisted us in various administrative roles since April 2023, covering maternity leave roles. A sincere thank you to Freya for your valued assistance during this time. We wish you well as you embark on a new role and appreciate your flexibility and contribution during your time at MAG.
We have recently welcomed back Tanya Main in the Communications team, following Clare’s recent resignation.
Career Opportunities
We are currently advertising for a full time Communications, Marketing and Events Officer position and a part-time IT support role. Applications will be assessed on receipt. Please refer to our website for further details.
Our ‘Friends of the Stadium” have been busy promoting our Multi-Purpose Stadium Fundraiser in the community. Thank you to all who are assisting us to maximise our ticket sales to support what will be a fantastic facility for our students, families and the community. We have around 9 weeks left before the raffle is drawn. We ask you to please continue to share the link – with family, grandparents, friends and colleagues. A ticket in the raffle could make a wonderful Christmas gift! If you would like to assist us at any of the various community events during December and January please contact me. An hour or two of your time will be very much appreciated and will make a difference!
Gunbower Estate
It was fabulous to spend a short time at Gunbower Estate recently during the Year 1 and 2 excursion. Our donors Mr and Mrs Kent also thoroughly enjoyed seeing the students experience Gunbower Estate for the first time. The budding artists soaking up the tranquillity of Gunbower Creek, the excitement of seeing students exploring the historic Homestead and the students interacting with the petting zoo was heart warming for all who were lucky enough to attend the excursion.
We are continuing to progress our Challenge Ropes Course and Giant Swing at Gunbower Estate. We hope that further progress will be made regarding the council planning process early 2025. This will be a fantastic ‘classroom’ for our students.
Thank you to our generous sponsors
We are very grateful to all the sponsors of our student awards, that will be presented next week at our Presentation Assemblies – thank you to all families and businesses who have generously donated.
Dux Year Level Sponsors
Student Award Sponsors
000 Training, ACAM Pacific, Ace Radio - Edge FM, AFS Accountants, Alex Smith, AWM , Brandrick , Brian McLeary & Co Accountants, Campaspe Valley Lodge, Charles L King Real Estate, Christ Church – Anglican, CCLLEN, Community Bank Tongala (Bendigo Bank), Community Living & Respite Services, Cosgriff Lawyers, Dillmac, Echuca Amcal Pharmacy, Echuca Moama Physiotherapy, Echuca Moama Signs, Echuca Moama Theatre Co Inc, Echuca Workers , Envirovac, Epicentre Op Shop, Freemasons Victoria, Hamish Smith, Helen Dalton MP, Horsfalls , Kagome , Lions Club of Moama, Lockwood Partners, Matthew and Alison Wright, Mick Eason, Moama Bowling Club, Morrison & Sawers Lawyers, Mr S and Mrs C Moller, Murray River Council, O'Brien Electrical, Office Choice Echuca, Payne Plumbing, Peat Partners , Peter Walsh MP, Port Ice Creamery, Rich River Golf Club, Scentral Flavours & Fragrances, Schools Out, SG Advisory (Accounting & Taxation), Smith Family (Craig & Caroline), Switched on Electronics, The Apex Club of Echuca/Moama Inc, The Apprenticeship Factory, Thomson's Echuca Electrical, WCL Management Services Pty Ltd, Westpac, Worklocker Echuca
Best wishes to our school families and the wider MAG community for a wonderful Christmas and a safe and happy 2025.
Suzanna Barry
Business Manager