Classroom Reports

F/1A - Foundation and Year 1A
In Literacy we have been investigating different text types and the reason why authors write these text. So far, we have discovered stories, recounts, information texts and descriptions. We have been writing our own descriptions in the form of ‘Who Am I’. This has also complemented the ‘Speaking and Listening’ component of our Literacy block with children having to describe a classroom object for their partner to guess. Children were also introduced to the game, ‘Who Is it’ and had to ask lots of questions to identify ‘who’. In maths, we are revising multiplication and division along with using lots of reasoning type problems. We are also very excited about going swimming next week and starting some Christmas activities.
Mrs Chalmers, Classroom Teacher
F/1B - Foundation and Year 1B
Mrs Torney, Classroom Teacher
Year 2
Hello Grade 2 families,
Christmas feels like it is not far off! This week Year 2 began getting into the spirit by creating decorations for our entry into the Wedderburn Community Christmas and Arts Festival.
In Maths, we began revising the four operations: addition, subtraction, multiplication and division and learned a new maths game called “Noggle”, which is a number version of “Boggle”. This game gives students the opportunity to practise using all four operations to make a number sentence that equals a target number.
In Writing, we are drafting our persuasive pieces about something we would like to change at Wedderburn College and we are continuing to enjoy the antics of George in the book “George’s Marvellous Medicine”.
In Inquiry, as we further investigated push and pull forces, we created our own pulleys using ropes placed over the monkey bar and attached to buckets filled with sand. We noticed how pulleys can help us to lift heavier objects.
Also, a reminder that swimming starts next week. Hopefully we will have great weather for it!
Ms Young and Mrs Mac, Classroom Teachers
Year 6 - 7 Transition Day Wednesday 4th Dec
Dear Parents and Guardians,
Please find attached the timetable for our upcoming Year 6 - 7 full day Transition. I have also attached another copy of the ‘What to bring to Transition’ document. Please note it is now Term 4 and students will require a Sun Smart hat.Students will be expected to arrive directly at Wedderburn College for the beginning of our day, meeting Ms Graham in the Library upon their arrival. There will be a safe space provided for students to leave their bags. As always, Year 6 students are considered Year 7s for the day and will not be able to enter the Primary Area. Year 6 students will not participate in the swimming program on this day. Year 5 students will attend classes as normal. Students will be able to purchase food from the College Cafe on the day. Please feel free to contact the College with any concerns.
Ms Kirsten Graham.
Year 10
Well done to all Year 10s on completing exams and final pieces of work. An extra well done to those students who have successfully completed a Year 11 subject this year and have sat the corresponding exam. For our VM students, all reports from work placement have been extremely positive so those students should also feel proud of their achievements.
Big congratulations to our very own Dakota Martin and Mia Rowan on being selected for the Kwong Lee Dow Young Scholars program at the University of Melbourne. This will be a great experience over the next two years and prepare them for University studies. We are very proud!
Next week will be the Year 10s final week of school for the year. Just a reminder, Year 10 classes conclude on Wednesday 4th December and then Thursday-Friday they will have Step Up classes.
On Tuesday 3rd December, 2B-Lunch, we will be having our class party. Please remember to bring in those Secret Santas and a plate of food to share.
Mr Iser and Miss Milne, Year 10 Homeroom Teachers
PE News - Mr P and Miss Milne
Primary PE
Over the last two weeks, Year 4-6 have attended wheelchair basketball at Red Energy Arena. Thank you to Cassidy, Kim, Caleb and the other Lady Braves players for having us over the last fortnight. We have enjoyed learning from you and look forward to returning in 2025.
F-7 Swimming
Next week we begin our swimming program; please see timetable below. Please remember to ensure you have your bathers, towel, goggles (if needed) and a rashie. If you have a special sunscreen, please remember to bring that. We look forward to seeing full participation in the program.
If you have any questions, please contact Mr P or Miss M.
Miss Milne & Mr Pettifer
Sports Coordinators
OSHC Program
To Parent/Carers,
Please be aware, if your child/children has a booking to attend Wedderburn OSHC Program ensure that you inform the College of any changes which may arise. This needs to done only by the Parent/Carer and not by the student. This will avoid any confusion.
Thank you for your understanding.
Trina Vaughan, Melinda Springthorpe and Annette Hunt.
OSHC Coordinators.
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