MRPS - Colour Explosion Run 4 Fun!

Friday 29th November - 2:00pm - 3:00pm

Colour Explosion Run 4 Fun 2024 - Friday 29th November 


Dear Families, 


Welcome to our first Colour Explosion Run 4 Fun! We are super excited to hold this event. However to ensure the smooth running and success of the day, we have put in place expectations of staff, students and families. 

The outline of the day is as follows:

  • Please remind students to come to school on Friday the 29th wearing their white t-shirt, old shorts and runners. 
  • The Colour Run starts at 2pm, please feel free to gather around the track to cheer and encourage students during the event.
  • At the conclusion of the run, students will head back to their classroom to celebrate with a Zooper Dooper. If you would like to take your child home early, please follow the early dismissal process and sign them out at the office.
  • Please have a towel in your car for your child to sit on as they will be covered in chalk.
  • Hats will also be sent home for a wash - please remember to send these back to school on Monday

Please note:

Spectators can observe the event from anywhere along the track, however for the safety and enjoyment for all students, please refrain from joining the run and enjoy the event as a spectator.  The Colour Run has limited resources which have been provided upon registration according to enrolled numbers of students at the school. 


With thanks, 

Jess and Alyson 

Incentive Prizes Now Open - Order before Friday 29th November



Thanks to everyone that supported us at our Colour Explosion School Run 4 Fun! Fundraising has now closed and it is time to order your prizes.


Every student who has raised $10 or more can choose a prize !


Pick a prize from your highest category, or mix and match up to a total of 5 prizes. Prizes can be ordered online:


Don’t want prizes? Donate to a cause instead! You get the choice to donate to Carbon Neutral (tree planting), Great Barrier Reef Foundation (coral planting or turtle protection), The Smith Family (reading support) or OzHarvest (providing meals).

If you get stuck, your sponsorship booklet contains everything you need to know. 


Congratulations to all our fundraisers!