Year Three/Four News

Even though Term 4 seems to be coming to an end, there are a lot of important upcoming dates for the Year Three/Four's.
In less than two weeks, the Year Three's will be off to their first camp at Cave Hill Creek. Some important information for those families to remember:
- Dates: Monday 9th to Wednesday 11th December
- Students leave their luggage on median strip out the front of the school (gym end).
- Students gather in the Music Room
- Students will be leaving from the school at 9:15am
- Packed lunch and drink bottle to be packed for the Monday
- Packing list for camp has been taken home already - please check items.
- School hats need to be packed
We are looking forward to a few days of fun activities and great weather!
Our swimming program has been a highlight for students this term. Each Tuesday the two groups of students head off to the YMCA to learn the important life skill of how to swim and survive in the water.