On the Sidelines

Year 5 and 6 Intrahouse Sport
The Intrahouse Sport season has finished last week with the year 5 and 6 students completing their last round in the competition. Our students have been split into 16 house teams and have experienced a new sport each week competing against another house team. This seasons sports include: Tee ball, ultimate frisbee, rounders, basketball, end zone, four square, table tennis and dodgeball.
We look forward to announcing the winning house at the next assembly!
Year 3/4 Hoop Time
Well done to our year 3 and 4 hoop time teams! We had a great Hoop time tournament day on Thursday, November 14. We had a never give up attitude with our Mill Park Heights values of personal best, respect and team work definitely a highlight of the day. It was the first interschool sport experience for many of our students and they definitely made us proud. thank you so much to our dedicated year 5 and 6 coaches who trained the students in the lead up to the tournament and coached them through their matched on the day! what great leadership.
2025 Sport Team and Swimming Trials
We can't believe that we are already in the middle of term 4! Which brings us to the planning of our 2025 year 5 and 6 sport teams and district swim team. As we do hit the ground running in term 1 with interschool sport and district swimming in February, we will begin the process for selecting the Interschool Sport and Swimming teams. Students in year 4 and 5 will get the opportunity to try out for our Summer sport teams- Netball, Volleyball and Hot Shots, in their PE and sport sessions over the last few weeks of schools. This Friday will also hold trials for our swimming team in preparation for our annual district swimming carnival in February.
Goodluck to all involved, if you have any questions please feel free to come and see us!