The Learning Zone

Living Well, Learning Well
Congratulations to our Living Well, Learning Well award recipients for Week 6 and 7:
Week 6 | Name | Reason | Character Strength |
Kinder | Amaya Insch | For bringing a positive attitude to the classroom each day and being kind and considerate to all peers. | Kindness |
Kinder | Hudson Coe | For trying hard to make positive choices in the classroom and playground. | Self-regulation |
Year 1 | Ilah Steel | For being brave when starting a new school and making new friends. | Bravery |
Year 1 | Liam Rees | For being focused and always trying his best in reading groups. | Love of Learning |
Year 1 | Ewan Boyce | For being an engaged learner during data discussions in Mathematics. | Love of Learning. |
Year 2 | Eve Pereira | For applying learnt skills when completing tasks at home and sharing her learning. | Creativity and Love of Learning |
Year 2 | Slade Magnay | For showing improvement in focus during independent learning. | Love of Learning |
Year 2 | Isabella Martin | For consistently contributing her knowledge to class discussions. | Curiosity |
Year 3 | Nash Seach | For working hard to build his stamina and improve in writing. | Perseverance |
Year 3 | Olivia Da Silva | For participating in class discussions and sharing her ideas. | Love of Learning |
Year 3 | Michael Hooper | For working with focus and perseverance to complete his weaving in art. | Love of Learning |
Year 4 | Harry Leys | For displaying a positive attitude and bringing a sense of humour and joy to the classroom. | Humour |
Year 4 | Rose Scales | For delivering her science and technology presentation with confidence. | Bravery |
Year 5 | Flynn Locke | Being fair and taking his outs in games like touch footy and cricket. | Fairness |
Year 5 | Lyla Gault | For being humorous and kind to her peers in the classroom and on the playground. | Kindness |
Year 6 | Caleb Willoughby | Positivity to class work and kindness to peers both in and out of the classroom. | Kindness |
Year 6 | Neave Anderson | Kindness to others and supporting their learning. | Kindness and leadership |
Year 6 | Matthew Leys | Kindness to others and supporting their learning. | Kindness and leadership |
Week 7 | Name | Reason | Character Strength |
Kinder | Deuk Bergholcs | For attempting to use expression when reading unknown texts. | Love of Learning |
Kinder | Willow Riley | For greeting her teachers and peers with a smile on her face each day. | Kindness |
Year 1 | Korbin Ritter | For trying hard in maths and eagerly participating. | Perseverance |
Year 1 | Londyn Chapman | For participating in all class activities with enthusiasm. | Energy |
Year 2 | Emmett Evans | For displaying enthusiasm in all that he does and being a helpful member of our classroom. | Energy |
Year 2 | Hunter Foster | For trying his best to focus and engage in class discussions. | Self-Regulation |
Year 2 | Jake Gurney | For taking his learning home and applying it to real world situations. | Love of Learning
Year 3 | Angus Snape | For adding description and expanding on his ideas to produce a cohesive and outstanding narrative. | Love of Learning |
Year 3 | Aston Maslen | For consistently being an active and engaged participant in all class discussions. | Love of Learning |
Year 3 | Chance Waters | For working hard to organise his time more effectively to complete class tasks. | Love of Learning |
Year 4 | Wyatt Shorter | For having the confidence to share his Gamilaraay language presentation with the class. | Bravery |
Year 4 | Charlotte Baynton | For persevering when completing tasks, especially when using her sounds in spelling. | Perseverance |
Year 5 | Ben Davis | For improvements with engaging in class discussions and activities. | Self-regulation |
Year 5 | Olivia Knapman | For presenting her speech with confidence and bravery. | Energy |
Year 6 | Ben Rowley | Excellent results in our recent Maths test. | Love of learning |
Year 6 | Anneliese Martin | Excellent results in our recent Maths test and helping others achieve success during table groups | Love of learning and Leadership |
Year 6 | Aimee Hobden | Consistency across all KLA’s in terms of application and effort, Keep up the hard work! | Authenticity and Love of Learning |
School Chess Tournament
On Thursday we held our annual St Xavier’s School Chess Tournament.
56 children ranging from Kindergarten to Year 6 students participate in the 7 round Swiss Tournament.
It was a great day with everyone getting some points on the board.
Seth Welsh was our overall winner going through the 7 rounds undefeated.
Will Riordan came 2nd only losing one game to Seth.
Clare Grima came 3rd on a countback.
I would like to congratulate everyone on their sportsmanship and excellent chess etiquette.
A big thank you to Mr Heap for helping organise the day and to Mr Samson, Mr Haliday and Mitch Herden for helping to adjudicate the games.