Out and About the School

Bodies in Motion
On Thursday, November 28, Students from grades 2, 3 and 4 had the opportunity to attend the matinee performance of The Gunnedah Gymnastics Centres' Bodies in Motion . The talented gymnasts performing in the show came from schools throughout the Gunnedah District, including St Xaviers. Many gymnasts have successfully competed during 2024 at Regional, Country and State Championships level.
It was a wonderful performance to watch and well done to our students that were involved in the performance.
School Band
Throughout 2024 the numbers in the school band has been slowing increasing and we now have around 25 members, ranging from very new to experienced players.
On Sunday, December 1, students in the St Xavier's School Band where invited to perform at the Gunnedah Shire Band Hall. They also had the opportunity to combine with the other bands to perform a finale item which involved over 50 musicians. A very important part of learning a musical instrument is having the opportunity to perform for an audience; and also to be part of an audience and listen to others play.
Parents were also invited to listen to the St Xavier's School Band play at this weeks assembly on Monday.
On Wednesday, the last day for lessons in 2024, some students from the band presented Mr Rowe with a small gift of appreciation for sharing his time and expertise with St Xavier's students.
If your child is interested in learning to play a brass instrument please contact the Gunnedah Shire Band via their Facebook page.
School Picnic Photos
Term 4 School Fees
School fees are now overdue. We would appreciate if these could be settled in full prior to the end of Term.
Should you have any concerns or queries, please do not hesitate to contact Jeni Muller via Phone: (02) 6742 1136
Email: jmuller4@arm.catholic.edu.au
Save the date!
Carols on the Convent Lawn
Please join us for a fun and festive evening!
Tuesday 17th December.
St Mary's Convent Lawn, BBQ starts 6.30pm. Carols start 7.00pm.
Gold coin donation with all proceeds going towards
the St Vincent de Paul Christmas Appeal.
Santa and lucky door prizes BYO chairs and picnic rugs