Victorian High Abilities Program

Congratulations to our wonderful VHAP students who participated in a highly engaging day to celebrate their learning achievements during the semester.
Our English and Mathematics Taylors Lakes Secondary College students travelled to St Alban’s Secondary College to enjoy fun interactions with students from Victoria University Secondary College, St Alban’s Secondary College and Keilor Downs Secondary College. Mrs Green and Mrs Buraffato accompanied the students and worked closely with the staff from our Network Colleges.
Students engaged in Mathematics challenges with the best performers receiving prizes and enjoying scenarios like the Zombie Apocalypse.
English Students created a Utopia based on themes around the environment, science, AI and entertainment. These were followed by impressive presentations.
A fabulous recess of snacks and fruit were provided and great quantities of pizza were consumed for lunch.
Our TLSC students were excellent ambassadors for our College and made lots of new friends, interacting with fellow high ability students.
I was very proud to watch their planning, thinking and collaboration.
Elizabeth Green
High Abilities Practice Leader