CSEF Information

Taylors Lakes Secondary College endeavours to support families to access the Camps, Sports and Excursions Fund (CSEF) so that no student is disadvantaged from participation due to financial hardship.
Please note that if you are an eligible Concession Card Holder then you need to fill out one the attached application forms with a copy of your concession card. Also note that if you have difficulty understanding this process, we can refer you to the resources translated into many languages for your convenience.
If eligible, payments of $250.00 for each student are made directly to Taylors Lakes Secondary College which will then be used for the student listed on the Concession Card.
Examples of school organised programs that the payments can be utilised for are:
- school camps/trips
- swimming and other school-organised sporting programs
- outdoor education programs
- excursions/incursions
- graduations.
The CSEF payment cannot be used towards:
- books
- stationery
- school uniforms
- before/after school care
- music lessons
- locker hire
- classroom and homework materials
- formals or debutant balls
other expenses unrelated to camps, sports or excursions.
Eligibility for the CSEF
Those that are eligible to apply for the CSEF are:
- families holding a valid means-tested concession card
- temporary foster parents
- a student over 16 years who is considered a mature minor and holds a valid concession card (such as a Youth Allowance Health Care Card or Disability Support Pension Card). For guidance on assessing whether a student is a mature minor, refer to the department’s policy on Mature Minors and Decision Making.
Please note that we must sight and photocopy the parent/carer’s Concession Card to ensure that the CRN and Name of Cardholder matches the application.