From the Principal Class

Congratulations and thank you...
I would like to take this opportunity to thank all members of the College community for your ongoing support over the last 12 months.
There have been so many highlights this year across the college both in and out of the classroom. We have also seen the continual implementation of the VHAP Program across Years 7 and 8 as well as the further development of the Football (AFL) Academy at Year 10. These programs have seen some amazing curriculum development with great results for the students in the programs in 2024. We have also seen a number of students also incorporate enhancement studies whilst undertaking Year 12.
VCE students received their results last week and there have been some outstanding results once again. I congratulate all students on these results. A more detailed analysis of our VCE achievements will be published early next year. Our median study score rose to 29 in 2024. I am delighted at the number of students obtaining a study score of 40 or above across a broad range of subjects in the college. A study score of 40 places a student in the top 8% of all students studying the subject across the state. Our scores of 40 or over have continued to grow in a range of subject areas, this year we had 44 study scores in this area. Year 12 students will have their actual VCE Certificate mailed to them from the college by the end of this week.
I particularly wish to congratulate our College Dux for 2024, Sienna Burrows for her great achievement. Our top 10 VCE achievers will be presented with awards at the College Presentation Night on Tuesday December 17th 2024 at 7pm. All VCE and VCE Vocational Major students are reminded of course counselling for change of preferences. Details have also been provided to students about availability of support at time of distribution of VTAC placements as students require this as well.
I would like to thank all staff for their work this year as well as some specific thank you to people involved in special events over the last week or so. I congratulate Anthy Violari and Julie Milin on their organisation of the End of Year Program.
Our school magazine, which is a wonderful celebration of school events this year has already been distributed to all students who have purchased it. Congratulations to Alyshia Monaco for her work in putting the magazine together again this year. Student reports are also available on Compass from Wednesday December 18th 2024.
Each year several of our Year 10 students are invited to apply for the Kwong Lee Dow Scholarship program based at the University of Melbourne. These scholarships provide the students with a range of benefits, especially in situations where the student ultimately goes on to study at the university. This year we have been fortunate to have another student appointed. Congratulations to Amelia Erichsen-Burgess and Heena Kaur.
Thank you to the parents/carers who have already paid their curriculum, extra curricular and other contributions for 2025. These contributions can be seen in the billing component of Compass and should be sorted by the end of the school year. You will need to accept all of the agreements before the charges come up.
The college has also planned for the implementation of the college uniform and BYOD computing from the start of 2025 for all new students in Year 7 and for other new student enrolments entering at other year levels. Any parents with any query in relation to the implementation or the expectations on students from the start of next year in regards to uniform requirements and to the provision of a device are recommended to call the college. Once again, all students in 2025 will be involved in the BYOD program and all students will be expected to be in full school uniform and ready to learn by the start of 2025.
The Victorian Government has established the Camps, Sports and Excursions Fund (CSEF) to provide payments for eligible students to attend camps, sports days and excursions. To find out more about CESF go to
CSEF forms for 2025 are available at the General Office for completion. Please note that you must have a valid parent/carers Concession Card (as at 28th January 2025) to be eligible to apply. A Centrepay option is also available for 2025 for all eligible parents and further information can be obtained from the general office.
Our School Council is committed to ensuring that students and staff have access to the highest quality facilities in classrooms, offices, and in external spaces. To this end, we continue to develop and fund redevelopment and renovation works across the school. Over the holiday break, we aim to complete some painting and re-carpeting of rooms and offices, resurfacing of floors in student toilets and the installations of blinds and split systems to a number of our classrooms. A new round of CCTV cameras will also be installed over the break.
Please remember that different schools will have different start dates next year. Our students in Years 7, 9 and 12 will commence on Wednesday 29th January and students in years 8, 10 and 11 will join the years 7, 9 and 12 on Thursday 30th January.
The school office will be open from Friday, January 24th 2025. I plan to send out a letter electronically to all parents in the week before school commences reminding everyone of arrangements for 2025.
Finally, I wish all families a very Merry Christmas and a Happy and Prosperous New Year. To those of you able to take a holiday break at this time of the year, I wish you a relaxing and enjoyable holiday.
Danny Dedes
On behalf of the Principal Class
Rick Hudson, Sasha Mildenhall and Louisa Norwood.