Parents & Friends Association News

Christmas Raffle

Raffle Tickets

Christmas Raffle tickets have been sent home this week with the eldest child. Families will receive a book of 10 raffle tickets to sell at $1.00 each. Can you please ensure that all sold tickets being returned to school have a name and phone number on them so we can contact the lucky winn.


All tickets and money must be returned to school by Tuesday 17th December.


If you would like additional tickets, they are available from the office.


Raffle Donations

Our annual Christmas Raffle is one of the most popular traditions at SPS! It is not uncommon for us to have 20 prizes in the raffle! We are asking families to help us keep this fun tradition alive by donating to our raffle. Donations can be anything Christmassy - toys, books, food items, decorations, wrapping...


Donations can be brought to school and placed in the basket in your child's classroom from now until Tuesday 17th December. The raffle winners will be announced at the final assembly for the year, on Friday 20th December.

Christmas Gathering Sausage Sizzle

At our Christmas Gathering on Thursday 12th December, the PFA will be running a sausage sizzle in the Canteen area. They will be selling sausages in bread (with/without onions), drinks and icy-poles. Why not visit us, buy some sausages in bread for an easy picnic tea, and support the PFA.


The sausage sizzle will begin at 4.30pm. Cash and EFTPOS facilities will be available.


We look forward to seeing you there!

Icypole Sales In Term 4

Icypole Day is every Thursday at the second break (2.00pm) for Term 4, unless otherwise advised.


Zooper Doopers.....50c



We are still looking for volunteers to help with the selling of icypoles. If you are able to help regularly, or even on a casual basis, please let the office staff know, or email Kristy at




Thank you for your support!



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