Mr David Whewell | Principal
Mr David Whewell | Principal
2025 Prep Transition has begun
Our second transition day was held today and again over 90 soon to be Prep students were here to familiarise themselves with our staff and school.
Our current JSC students assisted in making sure the visitors were looked after and we cannot wait for these new students to join in 2025. The Prep Information Night is coming up on December 5th and families will find out their child’s teacher on this night.
100% Attendance
In the coming weeks I will be celebrating with fifteen of our students at a lunch to acknowledge their great effort in attending school on each and every day this year.
Attendance at school is so important to learning and whilst at times a short holiday is good for families, and absences when unwell are unavoidable, being at school as much as possible is vital to a student’s development.
Well done to all students who try to be in attendance as much as possible.
School Uniform
I have mentioned in previous Principal Messages about the importance of placing student names on garments. Our Lost Property basket is overflowing with unnamed items, and it is becoming impossible to store the uniforms.
For next week we will have all lost property items out on display for the whole week. Please drop in and take a look if your child is missing parts of their school uniform.
We will also be holding a sale on new stock that has been onsite for a while. Look out on Compass for information on next week’s sale on school pants via Qkr!
Year Six Presentation
Mrs Mitrevski, her team and the soon to graduate Class of 2024 are practising feverishly in preparation for their big evening on Wednesday 18th December. Can I remind parents of our Year 6 students to check that they have this date in their calendars and ensure that they are aware of the expectations around this event.
House Sport Day
Last week our school community came together to celebrate our first House Sports Day in a long time. Through inclement weather, students participated in a range of events such as Hurdles, High Jump, Volleyball and Novelty Races.
A big thankyou to our staff for their tireless work, parents for supporting us and of course the students for their wonderful attitude as they enjoyed representing their new House Colour.
The Winning team was McInerney House, the Green Grasshoppers who exhibited great CONFIDENCE throughout the day.
After School Pick Up
Recently we have experienced some difficulty with students not being picked up at an appropriate time after school. Yard duty teachers are only on duty until 3:45pm, yet we have consistently had students left here until after 4pm.
If you are finding it challenging to get to PPPS by dismissal time, please organise registration with Theircare or at the least, chat to your child’s teacher so we are aware of the possible late pick-ups.
As a part of our House Sports events last week, we announced two Captains for each House. Congratulations to those eight students chosen. We look forward to them being prominent around the school next year.
We also announced that Eva and Drake will be our new Captains, whilst Liam and Ilma will be our Vice Captains.
David Whewell | Principal