Teaching and Learning 

Michelle Gaudion - Leader of Teaching & Learnin

We wanted to share some insight into what we've been up to this term. Our teachers have been working hard to build strong relationships with each and every student. Alongside this, they've been gathering important information about your child to tailor their teaching methods effectively. This includes things like subject-specific pre-tests, looking at reading and numeracy data and reviewing past assessments and NAPLAN results. We also focus on your child's wellbeing, ensuring we understand their needs and connect with their prior learning experiences.


During our professional learning sessions on Mondays and Tuesdays, we collaborate to plan lessons that meet the needs of each student. We share strategies within our teams to gather evidence and plan learning sequences that cater to every individual in our classes.

Our ultimate goal is to maximize learning growth for each student so they can thrive. Parents can support us by engaging with their child about their learning, checking Compass Learning Tasks and reviewing reports.  Parent/Teacher Conferences are also a great opportunity to support your child's educational journey. 


We welcome any questions or communication regarding your child’s learning, so please feel free to reach out via email.


Thank you for your continued support and partnership in your child's education.