Learning and Teaching News

Rich learning is happening within and beyond the walls of St Martin de Porres this week.
On Monday, all staff and students participated in the SMDP Athletics carnival at Newport Athletics Track. It is always a great day of team camaraderie and an experience for some students of what they may become - an Olympic champion! For most, however, it is the experience of running down the red track in front of all their house colour teammates, classmates and family members that will always be in their memories.
Congratulations to all teams and especially to this year's winning house - Yellow.
Today, Prep students could be heard enthusiastically singing "You Are My Sunshine" accompanied by Jane on the ukulele during their specialist music lesson. Students participate in a fortnightly music lesson that incorporates exploring and expressing ideas, music practices including singing and playing instruments, presenting and performing and responding and interpreting.
The Year One and Two students are part way through their 9 day swimming program. Yesterday was Safety Day and their screams of "Help, Help" were a signal for a partner to throw them a device to hang on to and be pulled to the safety of the side of the pool. All classes participate in an intensive swimming program within the Health & PE curriculum each year. Students participate in weekly PE/sport lessons.
Today they were participating in a First Aid incursion where they were learning how to call an ambulance and give details of where they live in case of an emergency.
The Year Three and Four students are honing their volleyball skills and knowledge under the guidance of a volleyball expert funded under the federal Government's Sporting Schools program. For some this is a sport they have had little experience of and for others, it is an opportunity to learn correct techniques and be ready to participate in this sport as part of the Interschool sports program played by Year five and six students.
The Year Five and Six students are preparing to visit Altona beach on Monday (a lovely 25°C is expected) to participate in a lesson by Surf life Saving Victoria. Practical strategies will be delivered, such as identifying dangers (i.e. rip currents) and reading key safety signs, and will ensure they have the tools to ‘be aware and be prepared’ before visiting their local waterway.
They will participate in activities including boogie boarding, using the rescue tubes, using life jackets and games on the sand including beach soccer.
The breadth and depth of learning at school ensures students have quality experiences that set them up for success. Ask your child about their learning using some of these open ended questions:
- Tell me about the most important thing you learned today
- Teach me something interesting you learned today
- What did you learn about yourself today?
- What did you learn today that you never want to forget?
Denise Kelly
Co-Deputy Principal | Learning & Teaching Leader
Elise Coghlan
Co-Deputy Principal | Literacy & Numeracy Leader | Visible Learning Leader