Term 1 in Review
Term 1 was here and now is gone - where did the time go? We started the year running with many activities beginning again - Messy Play Playgroup, Ignite Youth, Arise Youth, Young Adults, Connect Groups, Café, Messy Church plus Easter among all the chaos. Even though we are still in vacancy and looking for a new Pastor, we have had regular church services led by 6 of our young adults, plus visiting Pastors to help in communion, baptism and a funeral. We thank them all for their dedication and service.
Café Connect has had a busy term and all the volunteers look forward to the break and we thank our wonderful community for your patronage. As with most terms, we see some of volunteers leaving creating gaps to fill our rosters - this term we had to shut our door multiple times due to no staff. If you would like to help with this situation and want to volunteer in the café, please see Robert in the church office. Positions are flexible and training is provided - this a great and rewarding service to our community!!
GGLPS Board Members & Staff Blessing & Installation
Ignite & Arise Youth Opening Night
Christmas Eve Drama 2023
Church Newsletter
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