R.E. & Social Justice News

By Fulvia Gerosolimo

A Night on the Camino De Santiago


Join me (Lawrence Cecconello*) in a fascinating journey of discovery, as I take you through the origins, history and culture surrounding this legendary pilgrimage to the shrine of the apostle St. James, in the Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela in northwest Spain. 


The Camino de Santiago is not just a path or a walking trail, but a transformative journey that enriches your mind, body, and soul.

The Camino de Santiago is also a global treasure and a UNESCO World Heritage Site, attracting many thousands of seekers, adventurers, and pilgrims from all over the world each year, with each individual taking on their own challenge, be it spiritual, physical or psychological.  


There are, in fact, various routes emanating all over Europe, each with their own unique culture, charm and challenge, but our focus this evening will be the Via Podiensis, from the French town of Le Puy En Velay to St. Jean Pied De Port at the foot of the Pyrenees mountains, which I completed in May 2023.

So come along (via zoom) and find out so much more about this personal experience, where you will learn and be informed on this enriching and truly life changing event.


Keep this date free: 

17th April 2024, 7:30pm – 8:30pm  (Zoom link to be provided after registration)

*Lawrence is a Member of St Kevin’s Parish, Social Justice Action committee






By Fulvia Gerosolimo 

To all our families, 

As we entered our fourth week of Lent on Sunday I am always reflecting on how I can continue to shift in focus from external actions, such as abstaining from specific foods, like meat on a Friday, to the internal transformation of my heart. This perspective aligns with the deeper spiritual meaning of Lent, emphasising personal growth, self-discipline and a closer relationship with God. 


Lent is a time for self-examination and spiritual renewal. Consider how you can cultivate virtues such as compassion, kindness, patience, and forgiveness in your daily life. Focus on transforming your attitudes and behaviours to reflect a more Christ-like character. 

Instead of solely focusing on what you give up, concentrate on what you can give with an open heart to others. Engage in acts of charity, service and kindness. This may involve helping those in need, volunteering, or simply being more attentive to the needs of those around you. 


Dedicate time for prayer and reflection during this Lenten season. Use this period to deepen your connection with God, seeking guidance, strength and understanding. 

Evaluate your relationships and how you can strengthen them. Mend broken bonds, practice forgiveness, and foster love and understanding within your family, community and social circles. The Lenten season is an opportune time to reconcile and build bridges.

I was inspired and invited to reflect on Pope Francis' reflection on Lent. His messages often encourage a deeper, more personal approach to spirituality and self-improvement. 

What do you think? 


Every blessing for the week ahead, 

Fulvia Gerosolimo


Sacrament of Reconciliation Retreat/Reflection Day 

Last Wednesday our reconciliation candidates - Elana, Sonny, Irene, Kane, Nalivia, Sebastian, Austin and Phoenix - engaged in a meaningful reflection day focusing on the theme of forgiveness and exploring the parable of the Prodigal Son. The story of the Prodigal Son, found in the Bible in Luke, is a powerful narrative that underscores the themes of repentance, mercy and the boundless love of God. 


The day was a rich and meaningful opportunity for the reconciliation candidates to delve into the profound theme of forgiveness, drawing inspiration from the parable of the prodigal son. It's a valuable step in their spiritual journey and preparation for the sacrament of reconciliation. We pray for our candidates as they continue to prepare for the Sacrament of Reconciliation.















➢ Wednesday 13th March @7pm - 8pm 

Reconciliation Commitment Blessing followed by Child/Parent Workshop (child and one or both parents to attend) 

➢ Thursday 21st March @7pm 

Sacrament of Reconciliation for all students receiving the sacrament of Reconciliation 

➢ Wednesday 27th March @2.30pm 

Holy Week and Easter celebration - ALL WELCOME