From the Classroom

Grade 2/3S

Welcome to Week 8!


Students in 2/3 Sinclair have been working hard this term to make connections between the past and present. Our Olden Days Museum has been a big hit with some items being over 100 years old. 


Students have also been exploring people from the past and have created some very informative, biographical flip books based on Aretha Franklin and Stephan Hawkings. 

As a class we have decided one of our favourite songs is RESPECT by Aretha Franklin and we think it was a little naughty of Stephan Hawkings to run over his friend's feet when he was in his wheelchair at Cambridge University. Although, we do think Stephan Hawkings is super amazing as he kept asking questions and learning new things about our universe even though he couldn’t use his legs and arms or even talk without the help of his computer. 


The Grade 3’s even took a step back in time when they bravely adventured to Beechworth for their first ever overnight school camp. 

At camp we found out what it was like in the late 1800’s and early 1900’s in the Gold Rush era. We learnt how to pan for gold, look at old artefacts- including a very old and dangerous curling iron for your hair. We even reenacted the historical trial of Ned Kelly when he was tried for the murder of Constable Thomas Lonigan. We found Ned Kelly guilty but also thought that the police shouldn’t have treated the Kelly Gang so meanly. 



Here are a few our our favourite camp memories:


Evie-My favourite part was taking all my bags up the three levels of stairs to get to our room. 

Ella- I loved sleeping on the top bunk in the dorms.

Matilda- My favourite was probably the gold panning because I found $36,000 of gold. 

Evelyn- I loved that I had my friends in my dorm with me. 

Ashe- I loved almost all of camp. The beds were the comfiest. 

Alexia- My favourite thing was when we went to the lolly shop and the bees school. 


We now look forward to writing a biography about someone from our own family. This, we hope, will be finished by the end of the term so that we can take them home and share what we have learnt with our families. 


Please do not hesitate to contact me via Class Dojo or, my email address is – 


Kind regards


Mrs Bek Sinclair, Mrs Hellen Miller and Mrs Mary Sherwil.