Principal's Message

Mrs. Cassie Lynch

Dear Families & Carers,


We have had another busy fortnight here at Our Lady's Primary School. Our Grade 3/4 class headed off last week to an overnight camp in Beechworth. From all reports, this camp was a huge success. Thank you to Mrs. Walsh, Mrs. Sinclair & Mrs. D'Antonio who took amazing care of our students for the night away.

Project Compassion

At Our Lady's, we are continuing to raise money for Project Compassion. The focus for our fundraising is now on our Easter Egg Raffle. Many thanks to the many families who have donated to this cause. If you are able to help, please do by;

  • selling the raffle tickets
  • donating items such as chocolate

Memory's story


As the eldest child in a low-income farming family, Memory faced many barriers to her education. But with the support of Caritas Australia and CADECOM, she enrolled in a technical school and became the first female carpenter in her village. 



On Monday afternoon we had the absolute pleasure of listening to the Grade 5/6G students run our Assembly. 


Congratulations to the following students for being awarded 'Student of the Week'


Foundation: Laken

Grade 1/2: Isla 

Grade 2/3: Ashe

Grade 3/4: Zayden

Grade 5/6G: Olive

Grade 5/6H: Summer


Congratulations also to Sonny for taking out the SWPBS Raffle.


As some of you are aware, Mrs. Julie McMonigle is now working four days per week in the office. Mrs. Raff Sampson will now be joining the admin team on the 5th day. Please ensure you are using the following email when communicating with the admin team;


Mrs. Raffaella Sampson will be working each Monday, and Mrs. Julie McMonigle will be working Tuesday - Friday. 


Julie, Raff & myself all have access to this email. This is the email we prefer absences are sent to, rather than using Class Dojo. Alternatively, please call the office prior to 9.00am on the day of your child's absence.


We are also trying to use our answering machine more effectively. Thank you to those parents who call in and leave detailed messages for student absences. Office staff are entitled to a break and sometimes that means our phones cannot be answered. Leaving a message is a great way to support us when this happens. 


Easter Presentation

Come along to our whole school presentation of Holy Week. Students have been learning about the events of Holy Week and will be involved in an element of the reinactment of this. All families are welcome to join us!







Cassie Lynch