Meet a Staff Member

10 minutes with….
Name: Bonnie Pappas
Title: Student Counsellor
How long have you been at Marian: Since June 2023
Tell us a little about your life outside of teaching/working? Eg. Family, hobbies. Passions
When I'm not at Marian, you can find me spending time with my family and friends, watching some type of sports match or watching live music/bands
How did you end up teaching/ working at Marian College?
I pursued a career in social work and have since specialised in mental health through further study. Whilst I've been lucky enough to work across various spaces within the field, I was yet to work within education. When the opportunity arose to work at Marian college, I jumped at it! I truly value being able to support young women throughout such a pivotal stage of their life, and view doing so as an immense privilege.
What do you like most about teaching/working at Marian College?
I really appreciate the connections I have made with both students and staff alike. It always makes coming into work that little bit easier when there are lots of friendly faces.
What are the biggest challenges facing teachers today?
From an outsider looking in, I think having enough time in the day to complete everything that is required of them is a challenge. In addition to supporting students and lesson planning, there's also a lot of background work that's needed that can be challenging to balance.
What are the biggest challenges facing teenage girls today?
There are so many external pressures that are challenging for teenagers in general that are too often out of their control. I do however believe that one of the biggest challenges currently, is the pressure that I am seeing so many girls put on themselves. Learning how to embrace self-compassion can help manage this, and our counselling team is always here to help if our students are struggling with this.
Favourite food & drink?
I love all kinds of food! I always enjoy trying dishes I haven't had before though. I also couldn't function without my morning cup of coffee.
Favourite holiday destination?
Scotland for all its beautiful scenery, but definitely Hawaii for a nice beach getaway.
Favourite TV show & Movie?
Seinfeld reruns are always on in my house, and I would say 50 First Dates would be my favourite movie.
If you weren’t a teacher, what would you be?
I actually completed the first two years of a teaching degree before transferring over to social work. So, I would say if I wasn't a social worker, I would have been a teacher anyway.
Which 5 people in history would you like to invite to a dinner party?
Vincent van Gogh, Anne Frank, Kurt Cobain, Janis Joplin and Elvis Presley