Performing Arts

Welcome to Term 2!
Creative Music in Schools
This term we welcome a new teacher, Roberto Salazar, who is taking over from Sebastian Zuluaga. We look forward to his work with our guitar, drums, and singing students this year. And we welcome the return of Annie Bui with her focus on teaching piano/keyboard and violin. There are spaces in each teacher's schedule, so if you are interested in your daughter taking lessons at the College we have information brochures available from the Performing Arts Office, or your daughter's Music teacher.
Matilda the Musical!
Rehearsals will be held on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons this term. All cast members are expected to attend all rehearsals unless otherwise notified by a teacher or negotiated with parents/carers. We are really gearing up now, and are excited to see the show start to come together!
Marian Choir United, Play Ukelele, and Junior Concert Band are all taking new members this term. Rehearsal details are as follows:
Choir - Monday Lunch in Music 1
Ukelele - Tuesday Lunch in Music 2
Junior Concert Band - Thursday Lunch in Music 2 - open to Year 7 students taking Instrumental Music. If you are interested in joining please contact Mari Eleanor
Senior Rock Band will commence rehearsals Thursday after school starting Thursday 9th May.
There will be a performance to Year 7 students at Lunch on Wednesday 8th May - check the Notices for more details.
If you have any queries about the Performing Arts Co-curricular Program please don't hesitate to contact me at the College.
Mari Eleanor