Learning & Teaching

Parent-Teacher-Student Conferences

Thank you to all of the families who attended our online Parent-Teacher-Student Conferences last week and at the end of last term. It was wonderful to have many students discussing their learning progress with their teachers and parents. 


It is now important that parents remain engaged in their daughter’s learning. To assist in this process, please ensure that you log into the SEQTA Engage Parent Portal on a regular basis to review results, feedback and student reflection. Ask your daughter questions about her learning, for example; what she did well, what she wants to achieve and what strategies she needs to put in place to improve next time. These discussions do have a positive impact on student learning progress.


Remote Learning

At Marian College, we have elected to maintain some exposure to remote learning for our students. Important skills were learnt, developed and consolidated during the COVID period. We have consciously aimed to support students and staff to maintain these skills. 


Some schools have continued remote learning in their programs in varying ways. There are numerous reasons for this including the preparation of students to cope with the hybrid model of face-to-face and remote learning offered by some tertiary institutions. It provides scope to enable students to gain greater independence. Experience with online learning environments can also help students develop important digital literacy skills.


Our Digital Innovations Leader, Mr Joseph Murphy, has surveyed students and staff in relation to remote learning. This evidence will be used to guide our planning for the integration of remote learning moving forward. 


Jane Goddard 

Assistant to the Principal- Learning and Teaching 




ACU Step-Up Program

Marian College has elected to participate in ACU’s Step-Up Program for a few years. The City Campus program is delivered during the winter and summer school holidays, and runs across four subjects that students can study: business; criminology; nursing, midwifery and paramedicine; and sports and exercise science. For the past few years, we have had students who have studied across these tertiary offerings.


Last year, several Units 1 and 2 students enrolled in the program, which extends into their final year at Marian College. Six of these students have now completed their tertiary-based Unit, and have now achieved guaranteed positions at ACU from 2025. 


We congratulate these students (Christina Le, Stephanie Nguyen, Christina Le, Blessing Zaw Khai, Frances Schembri, Agatha Reese Rigor, and Kalista Moore) for their hard work and dedication in helping shape their tertiary program while completing their studies at Marian College. Some of these students were also awarded the highest possible academic marker, a High Distinction, for their work, which is an outstanding result. 


The students studied the following Units:

Kalista Moore: Indigenous Health and Culture

Stephanie Nguyen and Frances Schembri: Information Technology in Action

Christina Le and Blessing Zaw Khai: Money Matters

Agatha Reese Rigor: Nursing, Midwifery and Paramedicine



We wish these students all the best as they complete their final year at Marian College and pursue their tertiary studies in 2025.


Mr. Vito Milana and Ms. Pasqualina Piccione

Director of School Improvement & Innovation and Year 11 Community Leader 

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