
God of this place and all places,
God of the footpaths and local parks,
God of the highways and the bush tracks — walking, wandering, sauntering God,
today I choose to walk with you.
I want to walk beside you, God:
not ahead of you — anxious, busy, distracted; not behind you — lost, ashamed or uncertain; but with you, God,
at your pace,
pilgrims together,
shoulder to shoulder
in the fullness of life.
Today I choose to walk with you, O God,
to know your company, your presence and your calm.
this week has had its ups and downs.
Sometimes the paths have been clear and straight, and others potholed and awkward.
There have been days when the journey was easy, days when the sun has shone through the autumn leaves. But then there are those other days,
days when I’ve stumbled,
resented, despaired and failed.
Today I choose to walk with you, O God,
to know your healing mercy and your gentle grace.
As I watch others who share this pathway with me,
I hold them in your presence, God:
those who smile and nod hello
and those who look down with weary eyes;
those alone and in company;
those with heavy hearts and wounds I cannot know;
and those as distracted, as busy and as anxious as I am.
May each one know your grace today, O God,
your provision, your beauty and your peace.
As I walk this pathway, God,
I know there are many walking
paths in very different places.
I pray for those who walk today
in villages and neighbourhoods far away —
those who walk the streets of Wuhan in China,
the villages of Lombardy in Italy,
the sidewalks of Valencia in Spain,
the neighbourhoods of London,
New York and Istanbul.
I pray for these and so many more.
As they walk today for fresh air,
for food, for exercise and sanity,
remind each one, God,
of life’s beauty and grace.
For all who walk today in places near and far —
keep them steady, God;
strengthen their spirits
and rekindle their hope for tomorrow.
God, you have called me to walk in faith,1
to walk with integrity and in truth,2
to walk in love and in a manner worthy of your name.3
Heeding your call, I commit myself afresh
to follow in the footsteps of Jesus.
God my creator, my companion and my Lord,
today I chose to walk with you.