Meet a student

10 minutes with…
Vivien Tran
Student Leader
Tell us a little about your life outside of school? Eg. Family, hobbies. Passions
I am part of a family of 5, with about 9 goldfish and 4 cats. My current hobbies have been playing video games, in particular Pokemon in celebration of the announcement of an upcoming game! I like to listen to music – my favourite artists right now are Kairiki Bear, NAKISO and Shikiura Sougo. If you are into Japanese pop/rock then I highly recommend! My favourite song right now is AMATTARU by NAKISO. I also dabble in drawing and creative writing. I haven’t been able to do much due to school, but I am trying to get back into it because my subjects can benefit from practicing.
What do you like most about being a student at Marian College?
I like being part of the community. When with the right people at Marian, the solidarity and unity you feel with each other is a feeling I wouldn’t trade for the world. Being so involved with the school allows me to meet different people and experience new things together. There is so much joy with the groups I am in, whether it be with the year 12 SRC group, performing arts or social justice – there is a guarantee that there will be a fun time while also serving and providing the school a hope for tomorrow.
Who inspires you & why?
I’d say my sister inspires me. She’s the eldest daughter in my family at the fine age of 28, turning 29. She has gone through so much and has looked after me and guided me in ways my parents struggle to, and it meets my needs. She lives in hope everyday and has experienced life at their least optimal, but she comes out stronger at the end. I hope I can be like that in my future endeavours.
What are the biggest challenges facing teenage girls today?
I think dealing with ridicule is a big challenge in teenage girls. We are all judged for different things – the way we dress, if we are in a relationship of some kind, our career, so on and so forth. Society used to amount women to nothing and now that we are fighting for our value, its hard because we are constantly being judged for the choices we make. It causes difficulties in mental health and its hard to see our worth sometimes just because we were assigned female at birth.
What advice would you give to students at Marian College?
Live your high school life to the fullest! There is nothing like living in regret because you were too stubborn or too scared to try something new. Being involved in the school really helps to bring the joy in the uphill journey. Establish connections with your teachers, participate in class, hangout with your school friends. These are fundamental to living your best high school life! Cherish these memories because time will move all too fast.
How you live out the core value of hope?
I simply hope for the simple things in life. I hope for a good day tomorrow, I hope that I can excel at school, I hope that I can inspire hope in others. It is not my strongest value I will admit, but it’s the small things that count!
Favourite food & drink?
To be completely honest, I basically eat anything and everything. But if I had to choose, I’d probably choose salmon sashimi or oysters. Seafood like those are common for my family to eat and I enjoy it so much every time I get the chance to eat it. As for a drink, I have been really into T2 teas the past few years. I usually drink the tummy tea – which contains peppermint, liquorice root, marigold petals and fennel. Really good for digestion and it tastes really sweet and comforting without additional sweetness.
Favourite holiday destination?
Probably home haha. I have never been overseas and have only travelled to Syndey and Brisbane so there’s not a lot for me to reference. My home is super comfortable, and I look forward to sleeping like a princess every holidays!
Favourite TV show, Movie, Book?
Okay this is all nostalgia based but I REALLY love Mickey Mouse and the Three Musketeers OR Mickey Mouse Once Upon a Christmas. If you couldn’t tell I was raised on Mickey Mouse and I absolutely love these movies. I’m not really an avid watcher or reader that is particularly conventional (I just watch youtube and read fan fiction instead) but if I had to be normal for once, Mickey Mouse and the Three Musketeers is the best, it makes my whole week when I watch it. Once Upon a Christmas is best for when I want to feel the Christmas spirit! It just makes you feel all warm and fuzzy inside.
What are your hopes & dreams for the future?
When I graduate, I am hoping to go straight into university although I am unsure of what uni at the moment. I have been considering on going into psychology and becoming a social worker because I believe everyone needs a chance to recover from mentally troubling issues and start a new life with some help. Other than that, I am hoping to live a good and long life!