Student Services : Careers

Welcome to our first update for Term 2 – hope that everyone enjoyed the break and is ready for the long term ahead. In only six weeks’ time we will be holding our subject expo and beginning the processes for course/subject selection for 2025!
Year 12 Students
Last week I spoke briefly to Year 12 students at assembly about preparing for their transition into 2025 and beyond. The key messages were to stay informed via Teams, assemblies, Connect, Weekly Career News (via Teams), attending careers events and open days and talking to family, friends, teachers and careers about the next steps. Students should keep an open mind and ensure that whatever choices they make later this year are well-informed ones.
Year 10 Work Experience 2024
Congratulations to Year 10 students who have completed the requirements to participate in Work Experience this year. We have confirmed many placements, running right through until late October, and we are now seeing a steady stream of students heading out each week to explore a career of interest. Students can submit applications for approved weeks throughout the year as per the guidelines.
For those students still seeking a placement – remember to use all the resources on Teams and maintain a resilient approach to contacting potential employers. Students need to follow the guidelines and processes to ensure they meet timelines and provide all necessary paperwork. We are seeing some fantastic placements coming through, and we would like to see as many students as possible complete a meaningful placement this year.
Careers Expo Event
The VCE ad Careers Expo is on Thursday 2 May until Saturday 4 May at the Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre, South Wharf. I encourage year 10-12 students/families to attend on the Saturday. For more information please head to
Career Workshops Years 8 and 10
In May we look forward to running a one hour workshop for students in years 8 and 10. The Year 8s will be doing the ‘Curious Careers’ session and Year 10s will be looking at Career Values and the Future of Work. Over the course of the year each cohort will participate in at least one workshop as part of our careers program.