VCE Outdoor and Environmental Studies

Wilsons Prom adventure
Last term the Outdoor Ed unit 3/4 classes went on a 4-day camp to Wilsons Prom. Three groups embarked on an overnight hike either to Oberon Bay or Little Waterloo Bay. All the groups had to organise, bring and cook all their own food on trangia stoves. We had a base camp at the beautiful Tidal River where we spent our free time on the beach playing soccer, card games and exploring the Prom, with day hikes and educational sessions by a Parks Victoria Ranger. We saw lots of wildlife such as wallabies and a Wombat eating Asher's bag.
Special shout out to Kurt Strachan’s winning penalty goal and entertaining werewolf games at night before bed. Also a shout out to Ms Gogerly for her immaculate soccer skills and her being our tour guide, driving the bus everywhere.
Thankyou Mr Bartholomew for organising it all and making this camp the best it could be. Also, another thankyou to Mr Coxsell for coming along and being a big support.
~Claire, Aila and Claudia