Harmony Week

Harmony Week


Harmony Week at Viewbank College was an incredible celebration of diversity and togetherness, highlighted by a mesmerising African drumming performance that captivated students and staff alike, reminding us of the beauty of cultural exchange. 

Our Student Leaders organised for our students to come together to create a vibrant paper chain to symbolise the interconnectedness of our community and the strength found in unity. 

Additionally, a group of Year 9 students organised a successful BBQ fundraiser for UNICEF, specifically to help children in crisis and affected by war.


Finally, our dedicated staff cooked up a Morning (Diversi)tea inspired by their different nationalities in their staffroom. 

Together we reaffirmed our commitment to embracing diversity, promoting harmony and making a difference in our society. Thank you to everyone who participated in making Harmony Week a memorable and meaningful experience!


Libby Whiting