Assistant Principal News
Holiday wishes
As the first term of the year is about to conclude, I’d like to wish everyone a happy and safe break. Looking back this term, it was packed with many exciting events, such as Start-up program, Y3/4 camp, excursions, incursions, NAPLAN, sports gala, etc. Special congratulations go to our youngest members of the school, namely our Prep students. They have settled into the school life so well and had a very successful first term. Congratulations, Preps! I’d like to thank all the parents in the community for their ongoing support and I will look forward to seeing you all in Term 2. 今学期も終わりを迎えようとしています。スタートアッププログラム、3・4年生のキャンプ、遠足、インカージョン、ナップラン、スポーツガラなど、行事が盛りだくさんでした。小学校での初めての1学期を終わらせたプレップさんたち、とてもよくがんばりましたね!今学期を通して本校でのアクティビティを支えてくださった父兄の皆様にも大変感謝しております。みなさん良いホリデーを!
Harmony Day
We celebrated Harmony Day today and it was great to see our students dressed in the cultural attire of their background or had a touch of orange for Harmony Day. The colourfulness of the school grounds on the day was a great representation of the diversity of our school. Thank you to each member of our school community to be a part of it and making our school a very special place to be! 金曜日には、遅れながらもハーモニーデーをお祝いし、生徒たちは色とりどりの衣装を纏って投稿しました。本校に通う生徒たちの多様性も象徴する光景でした。
Snapshots from the classroom
Our Y5/6 students have worked for weeks during their Japanese lessons to learn Japanese traditional games and how to explain them to our younger students in Japanese. This week, they had some opportunities to get together with the Y1/2 students and played those games together, while explaining the rules in Japanese. Great job! 今学期を通して、5・6年生は日本の伝統的な遊びを学び、それを日本語で説明する学習をしました。今週、1・2年生たちにその遊びとルールを説明し、楽しい時間を過ごすことができました。
As a part of the topic of Celebration, our Prep students enjoyed celebrating the Easter on the last week of the term. They listened to a story about the Easter then talk about what they know about it. As an activity, they made a easter bunny basket which was used for an egg hunt later that day!プレップのクラスでは、「お祝い」の学習の一環で、イースターについて勉強していました。イースターの物語を聞いてから、知っていることを説明しました。アクティビティではエッグハントに使うウサギのバスケットを作りました。とても可愛らしいですね!