Level 5: Connect

5A Michelle Stainforth, 5B Joshua Miller, 5C Michael Day 


The National Assessment Plan for Literacy and Numeracy commenced this week. The students in Year 5 will complete all tests online. On Wednesday they had the Writing task while on Thursday the Reading assessment took place.  While the testing is very early this year, this also means that the results from this testing will be available for teachers to act on this year. Students appeared to take on these tests so far with minimal anxiety. After all, it's just another step in their educational journey.


Interschool Sports 

Students have another double header this week 15/03 vs Beaumaris and Sandringham PS before our final session for this term next Friday  22/03 versus Black Rock PS. Teachers and students have enjoyed the challenge of competing against other local schools making new friends and enjoying new challenges.


Sport: Please ensure students are at school by 8.45am as we want to be on the bus as close to 9am as possible most games are due to start by 9.15am.


Excursion Reminder  

Our Economy school tour is next Wednesday 20/03.  Students explore a range of iconic Melbourne places that tell the transformative economic story of our city from Indigenous to settlement to the gold rush to globalisation to the modern world metropolis of today.  


The Grade 5 Team would like to say a huge "Thank You" to those parents who have volunteered to assist it should be a really fun day with lots of different activities to enjoy. Please accept or decline the event so we can confirm the numbers ASAP.


Excursion: Students must be at school by 8.30 am as we need to do the roll and start walking to Sandringham Station by 8:45 am in order to catch the 9.30 am train. 


Creative Communities

Creative Communities is a great avenue for our students to develop a solid foundation for the guidance and support of their buddies. Developing leadership skills and enhancing empathy, kindness and inclusion. Grouping of students is based on their Sports Houses with each group having students from every level of the school. The Creative Communities meet on Friday afternoons on even week .



Student Counsellors 

At Last week's assembly, student counsellors were officially introduced to the school community and presented with certificates. Here we have Olivia and Orla who have been selected to represent the Grade 5 cohort. Well done girls!