Level 4: Connect

We hope you all enjoyed a lovely long weekend as we head into the final few weeks of Term 1. It is certainly going by quickly. We are so proud of the initiative, commitment and hard work our students have been exhibiting across all curriculum areas.
A few general reminders:
Excursion Tuesday 19th March to Scienceworks - please ensure your child has a named packed lunchbox with snack and lunch and named drink bottle. Buses will be leaving at 9am sharp so please ensure your child arrives at 8.50am that day.
Class Reps - 4B and 4C are still waiting for 1-2 volunteers as Class Reps. Please reach out to your class teacher if you are able to help with this.
Please ensure your child brings a charged laptop each day ready for learning
This term in Wellbeing, our focus remains on nurturing positive relationships at SEPS, which is embedded in our values of Care and Respect. Introducing the Zones of Regulation, we acknowledge the ongoing effort required for emotional balance. Recognising signs of dysregulation enables proactive management, vital for achieving personal well-being and academic success. Through this framework, we empower students with strategies to regulate emotions, align with goals, and navigate challenges effectively. Witnessing student engagement has been encouraging, highlighting the value of prioritising emotional health and fostering a supportive learning environment.
Over the next fortnight, we will be developing students' poetry writing skills as well as the reading skill of visualising. Students will be introduced to a variety of different poems for them to analyse. They will then be given many opportunities to write their own poems. They may choose to write on a wide range of topics and styles including haiku, diamante, shape, cinquain and even limericks. We are excited to see what the Level 4 students create!
We will also be continuing on with our Writer's Notebook work over the next couple of weeks. The Writer’s Notebook is a magical place. It’s a place writers can collect, store, grow and nurture their ideas for writing. It is often filled with a collection of seeds (artefacts that provoke writing) like photos, sketches, holiday mementos, lists, news clippings, tickets and postcards. It is personal and varies in style from writer to writer. Please encourage your child to bring in some seeds from home as a prompt for their writing.
Over the next two weeks, students will be collecting their knowledge about health from a personal, social, and community level and using this to create a presentation based on a topic covered in our unit. The students have been exploring how media and the use of ICT has a relationship with our health and wellbeing. Level 4 students this week investigated the connection between our health and wellbeing to Earth's surface and water as a resource in preparation for our excursion to Scienceworks next week!
In the upcoming weeks, students will engage in a variety of fluency games and activities to reinforce their understanding of place value. Alongside this, they will further develop their addition and subtraction strategies. These strategies encompass a range of techniques, including decomposing numbers, partitioning, using jump strategies, counting on and counting back, rounding, and adjusting. Building a solid foundation in number sense enables students to approach mental computation with confidence and understanding. By mastering these skills, students will not only enhance their ability to perform calculations accurately but also deepen their understanding of mathematical concepts.