Level 2: Connect

Happy Weeks 8 & 9!
Can you believe there is only three weeks left till the end of Term 1?! We are constantly impressed by the Level 1 student's can do attitudes, especially when faced with new concepts.
We've been enjoying our Developmental Play session on Monday and Tuesday afternoons. If you'd like to reduce the boxes in your recycling bin please send these in with your child to be used during these sessions. Please ensure all containers/boxes are cleaned out and that no toilet rolls or egg cartoons are sent in - this is due to hygiene and health reasons. Thank you!
Looking ahead...
Writing and Reading
Students will be showcasing their writing skills in a Big Write during week 8. Once students have completed their Big Writes, they will provide/receive feedback to help set writing goals for Term 2 - which is fast approaching!
This fortnight's spelling focus is:
Do you know what a Heart Word is?? It is an irregularly spelled word, meaning some part of the word will have to be 'learned by heart'. Heart Words are also used so frequently that they need to be read and spelled automatically. Examples of Heart Words are: said, are, and where.
These are the Heart Words we will focus on over the next 2 weeks:
Students will continue to strengthen their place value knowledge through the book:How Tall Was a T-Rex. This book will help introduce students to Multiplicative thinking and reinforce how our place value system works!
Students will continue to practise telling the time and exploring different measurement units, such as Mass.
During Inquiry sessions we have been continuing to learn about History, with a focus on "Who we are - Historical Knowledge and Community Histories."
The students have been exploring how the way we have access to the news has changed over time and the role of newspapers in society both then and today. They have learned about how newspapers are produced and how important they were in the past compared to present day. We looked at examples of newspapers from the past, and students had a go at creating their own newspaper announcement about a special family celebration, to show how it might have been commemorated in the past.