Level 1: Connect

Welcome to Week 7!
Thank you all so much for your support with saying goodbye to your child at the door. This has made for a much more settled start to the day. Students are also gaining independence and learning to take responsibility for getting themselves organised for the day.
A reminder that students change their readers over twice a week and all Level 1 classes have library on a Friday.
A message from Mr. Marco - students to bring gardening gloves to be able to participate in the planned activities during gardening.
Celebrations 🎉
Always a buzz, Science is always a favourite with level 1 students. They have continued exploring the concepts of building and engineering in designing safe houses using a range of materials from the JLC. This week, groups of students had to build a house to fit on a sheet of A3 paper that would keep the lego man inside, safe from an extreme weather event! (Wilko with a leaf blower!!)
Level 1 students have been thoroughly enjoying their Buddy lunches each Wednesday. It is fantastic to see these connections strengthening in these budding friendships! Every second week, level 6 students conduct interactive and engaging activities with their level 1 buddy which is always a hit!
We were lucky enough to have some Year 11 Psychology students from Sandringham Secondary College come and work with us. Their focus was on perceptions of children during a Maths session.
We had another fun cooking session with Mr Marco! This time we baked chocolate chip cookies. They were delicious!! 1A and 1B will be cooking again in Week 9 so if you have a Working With Children Check and you would like to help, could you please let your class teacher know. Thanks again to Carly for helping us this week!
What's coming up in the next 2 weeks:
Over the next two weeks, students will be exploring the concepts of length and capacity in Measurement and Geometry. Students will explore measuring familiar objects with informal units, estimating the length of classroom objects and then measure them using their hand. In capacity, students will compare containers to see the capacity of them using MAB cubes.
Mentor Texts -
Our Writing lessons will use the above two mentor texts. This week students continued their learning journey about -
- Identifying the noun, verb and adjectives in images from a text.
- Creating sentences using noun, verb and adjectives, to describe what is happening in a drawn image.
Next week students will learn and practice writing recounts. They will also continue practicing writing engaging texts by -
- Describing a Character using simple sentences.
- Describing a setting/place using simple sentences.
Our spelling focus for the next 2 weeks is:
Heart words:
This week students continue with the focus on community in our inquiry. We will be using the text 'My Friend Maggie'.
They will explore the following concepts -
- how to make friends within our school community?
- What a good friendship feels like?
- How a good friend acts?
Next week students will delve into the concept of 'perception'.
Only 2 more weeks left of school for Term 1! We are super impressed with how far we have come this term. Students are settled and we can't wait for another term of learning.
Suzanne, Sean, Leon and Nishtha