

School Wide Positive Behaviour Supports (SWPBS)

This year, Sandringham East Primary School is starting our journey as part of the SWPBS initiative. SWPBS is an internationally recognised approach with an extensive evidence base that is shown to improve behavioural, wellbeing, and academic outcomes for children and young people. When SWPBS is implemented with fidelity, teachers and students have more time to focus on relationships and classroom instruction.

Students and staff benefit from:

  • increased respectful and positive behaviour
  • increased time focused on instruction
  • improved social-emotional well-being
  • positive and respectful relationships among students and staff
  • a safe, orderly and respectful school-wide environment.

Our staff will meet with Anthony King, the Department of Education’s SWPBS Coach next week to develop targeted implementation strategies. We look forward to going on this journey as a community and applying this framework to SEPS.  As the year continues, we will be requiring parent and student involvement in the implementation process as well. 


Stay tuned for more info! 

Creative Communities 

There was such a buzz around the school last Friday afternoon during Creative Communities. The goal of Creative Communities will always be to increase positive interactions and connections between students across the school. Groups were finishing their banners, sharing their interests with peers, and playing games to help them  get to know one another. Most importantly, we work to help everyone smile and laugh on a Friday afternoon. That's what a Friday afternoon is for, right?! 


In Week 8, our Creative Communities will be focussing on our Play is the Way value “treat others like you would want them to treat you" and playing some games that incorporate that value. We will also be celebrating Harmony Week by playing backyard games from different cultures.