Learning & Teaching

Hello STM families,


Tomorrow is our last NAPLAN assessment with the Year 3 and 5 students due to complete the numeracy test. I have to say that they have done a fabulous job, displaying determination, grit and resilience as they have worked through each assessment. We are tremendously proud of their efforts. We will share details around the expected release of results once we receive a confirmed date. 


Friday 21st March - Numeracy

Year 3 from 9:00 am (duration 45 minutes)

Year 5 from 11:30 am (duration 50 minutes)


MACS Vision For Instruction

At STM our continuing goal and driving focus is to ensure effective teaching and learning for ALL learners. There has been a lot of excitement amongst our staff with the recent launch of MACS Vision for Instruction which offers explicit guidance to schools in how students learn best.  


Here is an endorsement video from Professor Dylan Wiliam, one of the international educational experts who worked with MACS in documenting their vision.


I hope you have a wonderful week,












Deputy Principal

Learning & Teaching Leader

