How we organise ourselves

Year 1 - Term 2, 2024

Transdisciplinary Theme

'How we organise ourselves' 

Central Idea

Food goes through many stages of production before reaching us​


As an International Baccalaureate world school, authorised to teach the Primary Year’s Programme, we explore six transdisciplinary themes each year. 


During this unit we will discuss the stages different types of food go through from the farm where it is grown to how it looks when it reaches our plates. This unit is designed to spark curiosity in our students as they investigate and understand more about the process's food such as vegetables, milk, bread, honey and chocolate go through before they reach the supermarket.


We will ask students to show artefacts such as photos, pictures and models that demonstrate the different stages that food goes through from farm to plate. 


  • Function
  • Change

Lines of Inquiry

  • Differences between processed and unprocessed food
  • The stages food products go through from origin to consumption
  • Resources and their management


The students will be encouraged to research a variety of foods and share any recipes or books that are relevant to the inquiry. We will be asking the students to monitor their organisational skills both at home and at school.

Learner Profile Attributes 

In this unit we will be exploring, demonstrating and striving to be:


Thinkers: We use critical and creative thinking skills to analyse and take responsible action on complex problems. We exercise initiative in making reasoned, ethical decisions.


Inquirers: We nurture our curiosity, developing skills for inquiry and research. We know how to learn independently and with others.

We learn with enthusiasm and sustain our love of learning throughout life.

Approaches To Learning

  • Self-management, research, organisation and thinking.

Whole School Focus

  • Risk-takers



The Year 1 Team


Mrs Jenna Horler, Mrs Kristy Smith, Mrs Melinda Docker, Mrs Melissa Ball and Mrs Melissa Werry.