2024 Mother's Day Stall

Parents and Friends will be holding our annual Mother’s Day stall on                                                               Thursday 2nd May and Friday 3rd May.


*Items are priced from $1 through to $10.*Students are asked to bring their money and a named bag to carry their gift purchases in on their scheduled day (please refer to the timetable). Students are able to buy multiple gifts if they wish, for any of the special ladies in their life.


*Quiet Shopping Time for Students with Specific Needs: Thursday, May 2nd, at 1:40 PM, we will have a special session for students who would benefit from a quieter environment to shop at the Mother's Day stall. If you believe that your child would benefit from this opportunity due to the loss of a parent or sensory needs, we encourage you to reach out to your child's class teacher prior to the Mother's Day stall. This will allow us to ensure that necessary arrangements are made to support your child's participation in the event.


*Below is a list of class days /times your children will be visiting the Mother’s Day stall.


*PNF would greatly appreciate any help over the Mother Day stall days. All helpers need Current Working with Children’s check and documentation will need to be sighted at the school office via email or in person if yet to be presented.


*Please email woodlandspnf@gmail.com with availability before Monday 29th April if you are available either Thursday or Friday to help on our stall


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