Sport Achievements 

House Cross Country Carnival

Throughout our P.E. and Sport lessons this term, the students have been in training for our annual House Cross-Country Carnival, which will be held on Monday 6th of May. The students have been working very hard on improving their fitness and are very much looking forward to competing in this event. The distances will vary for each year level and we have provided a rough guide below of how far the tracks will be for certain age groups, as well as the starting times for each race. This year we have been forced to modify the times of the events due to the year 3 swimming program. 


9 year olds

9 y.o. Boys: 9:15

9 y.o. Girls: 9:30

Distance: 1.5 km


Grade 1 & 2

Grade 1 Boys: 9:45

Grade 1 Girls: 10:00

Grade 2 Boys: 10:15

Grade 2 Girls: 10:30

 Distance: 1.25 km


10 Year olds

10 y.o. Boys: 11:45

10.y.o. Girls: 12:00

Distance: 2km


11 year olds

11.y.o. Boys: 12:15

11.y.o. Girls: 12:30


12 year olds 

12/13 Boys: 12:45

Girls: 1:00

Distance: 2.5km 



Boys: 2:45

Girls: 3:00

Distance 1km


Students will be required to wear their ‘House polo shirt’ so that they can be easily identified as to which house they belong to. The shirts are available at ‘The Bounty Shop’ in Frankston if you haven’t yet bought one. Each student will receive a certificate upon the completion of the course, with the top 3 place getters also receiving a ribbon. While this is predominantly a ‘House’ event, we will be using these races as a trial for our District Cross-Country team which will be competing a week later at Hastings foreshore on Tuesday 14th of May. The students in the senior school (years 3-6) will be running in their age groups, whereas the junior school will remain in their year levels. This will allow the process of selection to the district team (top 10 place getters in each age group from years 3-6) to be fair for all.


Age Group: The age of your child on the 31st December 2024 will determine their group. Eg: If your child has turned 10, or is turning 10 this year, they will compete in the 10 year old category. If you have any further queries about the carnival, please don’t hesitate to contact us at school. 


Kind regards, 

Mr Dowling & Mr Birnie



Swim Team 

Congratulations to the members of the Woodlands Swim Team who competed in the School Sport Victoria championships last term. The students began with some time trials earlier in the year and were then selected to represent the school in the SSV competition. From there, the students managed to qualify through various stages of competition, with some making it as far as the Southern Metro Regional Finals. The students included:



District Qualification

Zac Taylor


Division Qualification

Mia Stephenson

Flynn Pelzer

Dylan Alexander

Summer Jack

Myles Alexander

Bonnie Breckon

Zara Heller

Isla Gibson


Region Qualification

Sienna Pelzer

Gemma Rault

Harper Rose

Daisy Peterson

Coco Bennett

Anastasia McDonald