From the Principal's Desk

World Down Syndrome Awareness Day
Last week we celebrated and recognised World Down Syndrome Day. All children were invited to wear their choice of socks to celebrate their uniqueness and classes took part in a range of activities to enhance their awareness.
There was also a sock design competition judged by two shrewd judges!
Thanks to Mrs Victoria La Fauci for organising the day.
School Photo Day
Our school photo day is scheduled for Wednesday 24th April.
Order forms have been sent home with families and are to be completed online.
Stay tuned for more information.
School Closure Days
Please note our upcoming School Closure Days:
- Monday 15th April (the first day of Term 2) - Staff Professional Learning Day: First Aid Training
- Friday 26th April (the day after ANZAC DAY): Staff TIL (Time in Lieu) Acquittal
Students do NOT attend school on these days.
Next term children will begin to transition into their winter uniform. Could we please ask that families who need to purchase items complete an order form available from the front office or the website and submit it to the school office.
Alternatively, place an order via email to
and we will call you when it's ready to collect.
For the first few weeks of Term 2 you can choose between summer or winter uniform depending upon the weather.
Disabled Parking
Could I request that our Disabled Parking bays be kept free for those who have accessible parking permits ONLY.
It seems an obvious request but we still have people who seem to ignore all parking restrictions within the front car park. School staff shouldn't be put in a position where they have to ask people to move. Please show some respect.
Mad About Science
Our first week back will certainly start with a Bang!
On Wednesday 17th April our Year Prep -
Year 6 children will be treated to a Mad About Science Show. Here is a snapshot of what they can expect-
Air is invisible, odourless, all around, takes up space, and exerts pressure. It can also be used as a weapon! Look out for an air zooka assault and some giant smoke vortex rings.
We fly toilet paper using Bernoulli’s principle and levitate beach balls. Who will win the bag-blowing contest with what they’ve learned about air?
There are two types of electricity: flowing and static. We make some super static electricity with our Van de Graaff Generator. Watch wool fly, fluttering confetti fireworks, and a hair-raising demonstration. We end with FIRE!
Have a wonderful Easter.
God bless
Anthony Hyde