Sporting News 

Mrs Amanda Bartholomew

School Athletics Carnival - THIS WEEK!

Our annual school athletics carnival will be held this Thursday the 27th of June at The Golland Fields, Quirindi. 


Travel Arrangements for Carnival Day

We will follow the same process as last year where students will come to school as normal and then be bussed over to the fields at 9am. We intend to start our carnival by 9:30am. Buses will then pick students up from the fields by 3pm and bring them back to school for normal afternoon arrangements. 


Things to remember!

  • It is a normal school day, all students are expected to be in attendance. Remember, your colour house needs your voice for the War Cry!
  • Pack warm clothing - an extra jumper or beanie. 
  • Children can wear zinc, hair spray and ribbons of their colour house, as well as a t-shirt that matches their colour house.
  • Bring plenty to eat. We are very busy all day and students will have lots of little breaks and opportunities to refuel. 



Thank you to those parents who have put their hands up to assist in the running of our carnival whether it is in the canteen, set up and pack up or out on the track. I really appreciate your assistance. A program of events is attached below. 




We would love as many parents and family members to be present at our carnival. The children love an audience! Even if you can only spend a little time with us, your presence is very much valued. 


800m and High Jump Events

 The High Jump event will be run tomorrow during school sport time. Good luck to all students who are competing!


PT & F Canteen

Our amazing PT&F will be running a canteen for the sports carnival. Lunch is pre-orders but morning tea can be purchased on the day. Thank yo to the parents who have volunteered their baking skills. Baking can be dropped off to the grounds on Thursday morning. I will be there from 8am setting up. Please support our PT&F and our children by cooking up a treat. 


School Soccer Sessions - Started!

These sessions, which have been gained through the Sporting Schools Grant Funding, will be held here at school on Fridays until the 28th of June.

Students will wear their sports uniforms on both Wednesdays and Fridays through this time frame. 

Session times are as follows:

 Group 1: 12:15pm – 1:15pm (Years 5/6) 


Group 2: 1:50pm – 2:30pm (Years K-2) 

Group 3: 2:30pm – 3:15pm (Years 3-4)


All information about Diocesan sports events is well communicated on the Armidale Diocesan Primary Sports Council Facebook Page. This includes postponements and event photos. Please ensure you take the time to like this page, so you have access to the most up to date information on Diocesan sports events.