Student Inclusion and Wellbeing

Resilient kids are resourceful kids.
If you want your child to be resourceful then you need to place them in a position to develop their resources. This can be tough because a parent's natural instinct is to care for, nurture, protect and solve problems for children.
When you provide the space and opportunity for children to solve their own problems and difficulties then you give them the chance to grow and develop the skills necessary to cope.
It is amazing how children can resolve many of their own difficulties when we stand back a little and give them the chance. It is by learning to deal with life's minor hardships that children and young people develop the skills and tools to cope with some of the bigger challenges that can come their way.
Friendology is the resource that students are using to build their skills to be resilient when navigating their friendships. When disagreements occur they talk it through using kid's language. When it comes to friendships, it can be difficult for many students as they might misread social cues and body language or struggle with their own non-verbal communication. Conflict can feel particularly difficult for neurodivergent learners and the good news is that friendship skills can be taught and this is being done at Lysterfield through the Friendology curriculum.
Don’t forget to (1) regularly visit the URStrong website as they update resources continuously and (2) follow the Lysterfield Facebook page to view our Friendology Friday videos.
Robyn Mowat, Assistant Principal | Student Inclusion and Wellbeing.