From the Principal

Dear LPS Families and Friends,
Miss Alex Kent
Recently we were informed by Alex Kent, Learning Specialist English, that she has been successful in gaining a Learning Specialist role at a secondary college, starting in term 3.
Alex has been an incredible staff member over the past 6 years, teaching in grade 6, 3 and 1. At the end of 2021 Alex was appointed to a Learning Specialist (LS) role and has had an enormous impact on the way we teach English at LPS pushing and supporting us all to be better. Alex has shared her love of English and passion for learning and as such we have made some very exciting steps to ensure students are better prepared for the next steps in their learning.
Last week the Minister for Education, Ben Carroll, announced that moving forward the teaching of phonics will be mandated in all Victorian schools. This is a path that we started down 3 years ago and thanks to the hard work of Alex, and our staff, we are now well ahead of schools that are only now coming to understand the importance of this research-backed approach to the teaching of English
The last day of term 2, Friday 28th June, will be Miss Kent’s final day at Lysterfield Primary School before starting her role at Edenbrook Secondary College. Moving into a secondary setting is an opportunity for Miss Kent to continue to learn and expand her knowledge and a result of the dedication, professionalism and hard work she has shown throughout her time at Lysterfield Primary School.
We have been very fortunate to have Alex on our staff and we wish her all the very best, she will be deeply missed.
Parent Engagement
This year we have been working on ways to better build our community connection, particularly with our parent community. It can be relatively easy to build connections
between staff and students as we are at school, every day. Building connections among parents can be more difficult due to the nature of our busy lives and as a general rule, you don't spend as much time at the school.
Recently you would have received a survey asking about parent engagement at our school and opportunities for us to help you connect with the classroom, whole school events and each other.
I am excited to announce that starting in term 3 we will introduce 3 new parent groups, each with unique ways to connect parents.
Early in term 3 we will provide more information about how you can become involved in these groups, as well as some other exciting things we are planning.
I want to thank Mr Thomas for the work he has done in gathering the data and ensuring we CONNECT our COMMUNITY to ensure we all FLOURISH.
2025 Prep Enrolments
2025 Prep enrolments are now open. The Department of Education and Training has released a new state-wide Prep digital enrolment and timeline and this timeline advises families when and how to enrol their child into Prep at a Victorian government primary school. Enrolments are now open, please click here for the registration link and to complete the enrolment application.
Enrolment timeline:
● Submit an enrolment form for Prep by Friday 26th July 2024
● You will be notified of the outcome of your application on Monday 29th July
● When you receive an offer of placement, you should accept the offer by Friday 23rd August 2024. You can accept only one placement offer.
I hope you have a great end of term and enjoy the holidays!
Adam Wight | Principal