Student Wellbeing

Feeling worried or anxious sometimes is normal. However, some children experience repeated fears, worries, and uneasy feelings lasting for weeks or more. These strong feelings can interfere with typical daily activities. It can be difficult to know what a ‘normal’ amount of worry is, and when to seek further help. Avoiding a situation that makes your child anxious may seem best, but it can quickly become a pattern that is hard to break.
Common signs and symptoms of anxiety
Many children will show these signs from time to time, and they may not be related to anxiety. When these signs appear frequently, in an ongoing pattern, and cause your child to struggle with everyday life, they may be experiencing social anxiety, separation anxiety, or generalised anxiety.
How to help your child at home
If your child is showing ongoing signs of anxiety, you can support them at home in the following ways:
- encourage your child to talk about their feelings and let you know when they get overwhelmed. It might help to explain these feelings are common – we all feel worried or scared sometimes.
- if there is a particular situation your child finds challenging, support them to gradually do the thing that makes them anxious.
- make a practical plan together for coping with anxious feelings in the future, such as breathing techniques or reassuring phrases to focus on.
- take time out to have fun together and take the focus off feelings of anxiety.
When to seek further advice or help
If your child regularly shows signs of anxiety, you can discuss this with their GP or another health professional, or their teacher. Some indicators that it is time to seek help include:
- if your child seems excessively worried or anxious, or feels anxious more often than not
- if anxiety stops your child from taking part in typical daily activities, such as attending school, socialising, playing, or eating and sleeping well.
For more information please see the attached handout:
Deputy Principal & Wellbeing Leader
Deputy Principal & Learning Diversity Leader