Learning and Teaching

What's Happening in Year 6?
Year 6 Camp at Camp Rumbug
Last week the Year 6 students travelled across the ranges to visit Camp Rumbug. Students were eager and excited to begin their final primary school camp. Over the three days, students participated in a variety of activities including canoeing, the giant swing, flying fox, team challenge and of course the infamous mud run! They approached each of the activities with gusto, and it was heartwarming to see so many of our students push themselves out of their comfort zones. Challenges to see who were the ‘most muddy’ were thrown out by the teachers and the students readily took on the challenge. At the end of camp students were asked to reflect on their camp experiences and identify highlights, challenges and surprises from their time away.
What challenged me at camp?
'One of the challenges I faced at camp was trying to stop talking during the night because we kept on getting in trouble and didn’t get much sleep. Another challenge I had was doing the mud run and then doing the raft building, because it was really cold and I couldn’t feel my hands, yet I still tried to do it. Also during the mud run I was trying to climb over some of the obstacles. I found it a challenge because I had a height disadvantage, but I still was able to do it. Something that was also really hard was trying to swing across the muddy puddle on the rope more than once and it felt like I was going to fall on my good shoes. I found canoeing was really challenging when we needed to steer to other places on the lake, especially since I lost my paddle in the end so I started using my hands.' - Savio
'A fun but annoying challenge was when my group did canoeing. This is because we all got separated into groups of three or two. Once my group and I were on the canoe we found it was surprisingly really hard to turn and steer the canoe. Because of this my group and I kept on bumping into bushes, logs and even other canoes!' - Cruz
What surprised me at camp?
'A surprise for me was getting all of my friends in one cabin because I thought that we would all be split up in different rooms. Something that also surprised me was getting good food because from other camps compared to this one the food was good quality and cooked good.' - Milla
'Some surprises that I experienced were, the size on the land of the campsite and the walk from one activity to the other. This was because there were acres of land with massive trees and leaves, such as bushes and big plants carrying on from one side of the camp to the other. Another surprise that I experienced was when we were raft building. This surprised me because of how stable the raft was and that no one on my raft ended up falling out. It was also a shock to me because the other raft that my other group members attended on, ended up falling off. I would have not wanted to fall in that water, even just my hands were cold feeling it before my group pushed the raft into the water. It was FREEZING!' - Luca
Narelle, Mel, Sarah and Lisa
Year 6 Homegroup Teachers
Learning & Teaching and Digital Technologies Leader
Science of Learning and Literacy Leader
Sawako & Rachel
Mathematics Leaders