Principal's News

Dear SMCM Community, Wominjeka!
This weekend the 2024 Paris Olympics begin. The Olympics are an exciting event for people around the world as we celebrate the efforts and success of our athletes and learn about other cultures and people. At school we will be engaging in a number of learning experiences that celebrate the Olympics and Paralympics. We encourage you to continue this conversation at home and highlight the dispositions and qualities shown by our athletes. It takes great determination, persistence, resilience and team work for our athletes to compete at this level. We want to develop all of these qualities in our students to ensure their success regardless of their areas of interest!
2025 Prep Sibling Interviews
Next Wednesday and Thursday we look forward to meeting with our Prep 2025 siblings and their families. These meetings begin our Pathway to Prep transition program and continue to build the relationship between home and school. Following these meetings we will confirm our Prep 2025 places and make some second round enrolment offers for new families. It is wonderful to see our school community continue to grow!
Congratulations to Sulaf and Rami (Reimagine Homegroup) on becoming Australian Citizens this week!
We look forward to celebrating the Feast Day of St Anne and St Joachim, Jesus’ grandparents tomorrow with our Grandparents’ and Special Friends Morning. Please see the Community and Family Engagement section of today's newsletter for more information.
Saints Joachim and Anne Patron Saints of Grandparents God of our fathers, you gave Saints Anne and Joachim the privilege of being the Parents of Mary, the mother of your incarnate Son. May their prayers help us to attain the salvation you have promised to your people. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.