from the Assistant Principal  

Mr Shayne Smith

Weekly Overview

As the cold chills of winter grasp our fingertips and noses, we're encouraging students to stay warm with their school jumpers and jackets. If your child does not have the correct uniform a note must be brought in explaining the reason and given to their teacher.  


Walking around the playground last week I had the pleasure of discussing with students their hobbies and interests, it reminded me of just how important it is to communicate with one another. At HTS, all staff take a great interest in their ideas and discussions, taking the time to understand and connect with students. Words carry meaning and enable us to form connections to boost and support a child's involvement in school and gain motivation to attend school.  


Area of focus: 

"Our words matter and carry meaning" 


With our focus this week in mind, I encourage you to continue to communicate with your child/children about the successes and skills they have learnt throughout the semester so far.  A question that could be posed is "What is one skill or success that you are most proud of this semester (academic or not)?"

Gamble Aware Yr 6

Last week our Year 6 students were educated in the world of digital technology and some of the scary links that online games and types of social media have in connection to gambling.  Students were bewildered by some of the fun they had that involved risk and that research has shown it leads to gambling later in life. The examples they used were mystery crates and opportunities to purchase skins, students are involved not only in money situations but learning to gamble on chances of winning linked sounds and creative features.  Here are some of our student's responses to the visit:

  • "Wow, I never knew that people create sounds to encourage further playing"
  • "I'm surprised by the amount of gambling exposure to young children is out there!" 
  • "I thought there was something with the pictures and loot creates"

Families are encouraged to to talk and discuss the digitial technology exposure students are exposed to and to monitor the way in which students engage in their games.  We hope students took away the realistic view of what games and the types of risks and chances they are playing with. 

K-2 Cross Country

Once again our students battled the cold and completed the laps of Cross Country with a huff and puff but most importantly their participation and commitment to the event. 

We applaud all students for their preparations and commitment to the sport and the encouragement of one another to finish. Thank you families for your words of encouragement and support on the day, students faces were glowing with joy and happiness to know they are supported in all of the events and occasions they participate in. 


"A good sport not only knows how to win but how to encourage others to finish!"


Well done all! 


Year 3-6 Social 

There is a Yrs 3-6 Social night planned for students on the 27 June 2024 from 5pm -7pm. There will be active supervision from HTS staff and a canteen that will sell goodies. Students must be dropped off and picked up from the carpark. Cost is $2 per child and $3 for a family.

ICAS - Assessment Platform (Available to Years 3-10)

 We encourage you to consider entering your child into ICAS this year.  

 How to participate in ICAS  If you wish for your child to participate in ICAS this year, please:  

1. Read about ICAS subjects and prices here: (  

2. Go to Parent Portal to purchase tests here:(  

3. Enter our school’s access code – [insert access code]  (Our code is XEQ247)

4. Enter your child’s details, select the tests you would like to purchase.

All payments must be done online as this is an external assessment. 


English: 12-16 August

Mathematics: 26-30 August

Science: 19-23 August


Closes 15 July, 2024. 

Congratulations to the following award winners

KDOliver Sayer, Jack Gold
KSTatum Ria, Alvey Pizzardi, Allegra Thomson 
1ELeo Tasker, Theo McPhee, Tully Adams, Jack Warrener, Tannah Pizzardi, Isabel Li, Bryson Amery 
1MHarrison Fenton, Toby Chrichlow 

Flynn Simpson, Riley Worgan,  

Blakey Ria


Baxter O'Brien, Nixon Fisher 

Knox Mathers, Ollie Gaias


Ava Mundy, Carter O'Connor

Freya Brooker, Bella Ehsman 

3WTilly Eddy, Elsie Guest, Esabel Jinesh, Harvey Edwards 
4LDDarcy Celler , Charlie Mason, Isabel Caskey, Sloane Garrett
4WLZara De Stefani, Ruby Fitzroy 
5BEbony Hiscock, Fergus Lea 
5FLeo Schiller, Darcie Emery, Zayne Cleal, Audrey Stewart 
6DEva Jinesh, Albert Taylor, Georgie Moore 

Fletcher Andrews, Seaton Higgins

Zali Borrowdale

6TRory Orchard, Isabel Bryant, Pippa Butcher, Korinne Cleary, Jack Sweeney 

K-6 Teachers and emails

KD -  Robyn Ditchfield 

KS - Trish Dal Santo 

1E - Erin Muggleton 

1M - Tania Moore

2M - Carmel McCosker

2G - Aimee Gaias

3W -  Laurelle Wales   

3M - Elissa Murphy 

4LD - Madeline Devlin / Casey Lea 

4WL - Amanda White/ Catherine Lane 

5F - Courtney Fleming 

5B - Mr Peter Baz

6D - Jaide Daniels 

6M - Kate McCosker 

6T Mrs Terri-Lea Selig