Year 6 Specialist News -Term 3

Transdisciplinary Theme:
Who we are
Central Idea:
Self-portraits reflect our personal identity through artistic techniques and expression.
Lines of Inquiry:
- Artistic techniques used to create self-portraits
- How artists express their identity through their choice of style and technique
- Planning and designing a self-portrait that reflects personal identity
Key Concepts:
perspective and form
Learner Profile Attributes:
reflective, communicator and risk-taker
Students Will Create:
- A Self-portrait using the grid technique which uses a photo to guide their illustration. Showing an understanding of the learnt technique, application of tone and detail
- A background demonstrating a confident and considered choice of technique, with a personal symbolic link
- Ceramic Bust detailing facial features and applying their knowledge of portraiture and clay skills
Transdisciplinary Theme:
The way the world works
Central Idea:
The desert is a delicate ecosystem that is continually evolving.
Lines of Inquiry
- How living things have structural features and adaptations that help them to survive in a desert environment
- How we use evidence to develop explanations about which animals have a greater chance for survival in a desert environment
Learner Profile Attributes:
knowledgeable, inquirer
Key Concepts:
change, function, responsibility
Students Will:
- Investigate the process of water loss from plants' leaves
- Examine if fabrics with smaller surface areas experience reduced water loss.
- Explore the relationship between surface area and heat loss
- Investigate the survival advantages of camouflage in desert environments
- Plan and conduct research on a specific species adapted to desert conditions
Transdisciplinary Theme:
How we organise ourselves
Central Idea:
Group organisation impacts on members and the performance.
Lines of Inquiry:
- Role and responsibilities of each performance group
- The development of skills
- The performance process
Key Concepts:
Learner Profile Attributes:
open minded, knowledgeable
Focus – DANCE
- This term students will take risks, learn, create, rehearse and perform ‘Dance’. Students will be encouraged to work collaboratively with fellow students and to rehearse effectively within set time constraints in order to- Learn steps and
- Learn sequences
- Create short dances
- Perform to peers
- Several different styles will be covered, including Line Dance and Contemporary Free Form.
- Students will continue to touch on Drama, Singing and Music (ukulele).
Physical Education
Transdisciplinary Theme:
How we organise ourselves
Central Idea:
Sport and communities bring people together.
Lines of Inquiry:
- The importance of fair play and sportsmanship and personal development in athletic type skills
- The role of the Olympic games in our community and culture and how we all come together
Key Concepts:
connection and perspective
Learner Profile Attributes:
knowledgeable and principled
Students Will:
- Be introduced to a variety of athletic type skills – distance and sprint runs, hurdling, long jump, high jump, discus and shot put and recognise how these skills are taught worldwide to compete fairly and have the same rules
- Use the learnt skills to lead the whole school in a mini-Olympic games activity and understand the significance of each country and their sporting celebrations
- Participate in the House athletics carnival and have the potential to represent the school in District, Division and Regional events
- Develop further skills in Netball/Basketball based activities
- Develop Invasion game skills